A grieving mother powerfully shared the inspiring faith of her daughter and the testimony of her final moments.
A Grieving Mother
Emily Komoszewski went to heaven in 2021, but her life on earth became a powerful testimony of hope and faith. Her grieving mother, Shelley Komoszewski, shared their powerful story at the 2024 California MAVEN Conference. Shelley began by discussing her daughter’s initial test of faith during her sophomore year of high school.
Shelley mentioned that Emily once had a vibrant personality and a circle of friends before something changed.
“Her friend group blew up at her small Christian School. And the girl who was always the life of the party is no longer invited to the party. Hard words were exchanged. Identity challenged. And the things she knew to be true of herself are now questioned,” she recalled.
The Faith of Emily
Eventually, Shelley shared that as Emily’s parent, she prayed fervently for her child. She endeavored to remind, support, and encourage her, but ultimately, it was Emily’s battle. Thankfully, Shelley emphasized that Emily made the correct choice. She immersed herself in church, established a new circle of friends, and engaged in various ministries, utilizing her talents and gifts.
Despite her encounters with former friends, Emily penned a letter for her generation in her journal.
She declared, “Now is the time God told me to call you to a higher level of faith. A faith that gives God the pen to write your story. A faith that says I will not waste the years I’ve been given but make them count for eternity.”
Furthermore, the next Monday morning, Emily went to work at a chiropractic office. At 3:20 in the afternoon, she recorded herself on her phone dancing and singing the song, “Hallelujah Even Here.”
With all her might, she sang:
Hallelujah, when the storm is relentless
Hallelujah, when the battle is endless
In the middle of the in between
In the middle of the questioning
Over every worry, every fear
Hallelujah, even here
Emily’s Final Moments
It was the last thing she recorded. When her boss entered the office at 3:40, she found Emily on the floor with blue lips.
“They would be able to get a heartbeat, but there would be no more brain waves… Emily’s death certificate, heart arrhythmia as its cause and is dated December 2nd, 2021. It’s 3:00 a.m.,” her mother said.
Moreover, in one of her mother’s social media posts, she wrote, “As I sob, the Lord reminds me that we grieve with hope. Her death is not the final word. Jesus spoke the final word when died and rose again! It is the word LIFE for those of us who have placed our faith in Him. We will spend eternity with Him (and with Emily)!”
Watch the full testimony here.
Reference | MAVEN
Header Image: MAVEN. (Screenshot). (2024). The Story Of Emily Komoszewski, Retrieved March 19, 2024 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwyAk9xDPJg