The Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM) is a global fellowship of believers committed to Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel and the worldwide Jewish community. It is led by Wayne Hilsden (pictured) who has been the senior pastor of King of Kings Community, Jerusalem, Israel, for 31 years and comprises of many Messianic congregations and Israel focused ministries.
Each year FIRM hosts the Jerusalem Encounter, a gathering of believers from around the world who come together in Jerusalem to worship God, and encounter the land and the people of Israel. “God is not a covenant breaker. He is a promise keeper,” says the event’s host, Wayne Hilsden. You can watch the following Jerusalem Encounter 2017 sessions online:
Encouraging Your Faith – Daniel Kolenda
Christ for all Nations (CfaN) CEO, Daniel Kolenda speaks on Encouraging Your Faith, helping to equip believers to be an effective witness.
Yeshua – Alan Hirsch
Alan Hirsch of 100Movements talks on ‘Yeshua’. Known for his innovative approach to mission, Alan is widely considered to be a thought-leader and key mission strategist for churches across the Western World.
Here Am I – Scott Volk
Scott Volk of Together for Israel talks on Here Am I, urging believers to be an example to the Jewish people through their intimacy with God.
Israel’s Salvation – Michael Brown
Dr Michael Brown speaks on Israel’s Salvation sharing that it will be like the dead coming back to life. He examines Jerusalem’s destiny and urges believers to pray for peace in the Middle East.
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For more information about FIRM and Jerusalem Encounter visit