A FedEx driver who felt God nudging her heart to pray for a grieving woman whose husband had cancer is still making waves online three years later.
Small Talk With A Grieving Customer
It has always been Amanda Riggan’s desire to be used by the Lord. Hence, she often prayed about it. Then three years ago, she met a woman who would have changed her life when she delivered a package to her.

Photo Courtesy | Facebook – Amanda Riggan
Amanda delivered two boxes to this woman when she sparked a small talk.
“We start walking up the driveway together, and she asked me if I had a happy holiday,” she narrated. “I was telling her how busy it was. I asked her the same, and with tears in her eyes, she said, ‘It wasn’t good. He’s sick. My husband’s sick. He has cancer.’ I continued small talk to try and change the subject because that’s awkward, and I delivered her package.”
God Nudging To Pray For Grieving Woman
So, Amanda moved on to her other tasks and delivered other parcels. However, she kept thinking about the grieving woman. Amanda felt God nudging her heart to go back to her. And that’s what she really did after delivering 20 packages.
“I rang her doorbell, and she came down the stairs, and she had tears in her eyes,” the FedEx driver detailed. “When she saw it was me, she smiled, and I said, ‘Ma’am, can I pray with you? And she just broke down. She came out on the front porch and squeezed me so tight. This lady I’ve never met,” Amanda paused. “She held my hand so tight. I prayed for her and her family and for her husband.”
Testimony Went Viral
Amazed by what happened, Amanda shared her unforgettable experience on Facebook three years ago, and it went viral. But she wanted to stress something very important to people.
“The point of this is that a lot of people want the Lord to use them,” she stressed. “For me, as an example, I pray every day for the Lord to use me. But when He’s trying to use you or when you feel that call, that tug on your heartstrings, do you move your feet?”
While in tears, she continued, “I have a hundred stops. I could have easily went about the rest of my day thinking about it. So when you feel those tugs on your heartstrings, and you feel like you need to do this, stop and do it. That was like the most genuine hug I’ve received in a long time.”
Further, she said, “If you’re praying for the Lord to help and to use you in people’s situations when He is giving you a chance … do it. If not, you’re going to continue to think about it and regret it later. It made me sad but yet, it made my day. This lady was just so alone.”
Prayer To Grieving Woman Testimony Reaches 24 Million Views
Today, the video has reached 24 million views and over 35,000 comments. Even now, the viral video continues to touch and inspire many lives.
Amanda reshared the video on her Facebook timeline as a reminder of the beautiful moment three years ago.
She wrote, “3 years and 24 million views later. I captioned this video ‘Game Changer’. How incredibly accurate is that?! You never could have told me then how radically different my life would be now. One act of obedience that I thought I was just sharing to family and friends has promoted so many doors opening and so many blessing[s]. Glory to GOD.”
Reference: Faithpot