Many people are quick to claim that they are blessed and favored by God. However, not many truly understand the biblical definition of blessing and favor. If they were to grasp its true meaning, would they still desire to claim themselves as blessed and favored?
Blessing and Favor
Bible teacher Jada Edwards revealed the true significance of being considered “blessed and favored” by delving into their scriptural definitions. She emphasized that being blessed and favored does not necessarily result in convenience or comfort.
She said, “You can say, ‘I’m blessed and highly favored, but man, you better know what blessing is.”
Jada then referred to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount to illustrate who is truly considered blessed. “Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” She continued, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness”
“Know what blessing is because nowhere in Scripture is it equated to prosperity or ease or material abundance.”
She added. “And know what favor is. Favor is when the Lord says, ‘Yes, I will continue to use you. I’ll continue to send you. I’m gonna put you in difficult situations because I know you can represent Me well.’ That is favor.”
She went on to describe the characteristics of a favored child. According to the preacher, a favored child is expected to be the best, responsible, and consistently reliable.
“So, when it comes to God favoring us, I’m expecting great things from you. I have a high standard for you. I’m putting you out there in situations that you might not be qualified for, but I know you can do it in My power.”
Jada added, “Favor is not comfort and ease and being hidden. Favor is being put out on platforms that you really have no business being on, but He gives you the ability to depend on Him. So, you can say, ‘I’m blessed and highly favored. But you better know what blessing and favor really is.”
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