God powerfully stopped the cycle of family brokenness in a Christian couple’s lives through His unfailing love and grace.
Family Brokenness
Charlie and Rachael Cash both came from a broken family. Charlie’s parents got divorced while he was in sixth grade. He lived with his stepmother and felt awkward about it. “I felt uncomfortable, I felt strange. It was weird, definitely a blended family. A lot of challenges that blended families have to deal with,” he recalled. In some ways, Charlie felt wrong when he saw his father with a different person. But after a little while, he started to feel comfortable. That’s when he learned to laugh and play games with his stepbrothers and sisters. “I just really long for just a complete family unit,” Charlie said.
On the other hand, Rachael also grew up in a family where she didn’t have a relationship with her parents. When she was in high school, she already felt responsible for her younger siblings. “I often times felt like I was a parent to them,” she shared. That’s when she started to realize that her parents were not really loving each other. Her expectation of what family was supposed to look like was shattered. “I felt like I didn’t belong. It was very lonely,” Rachel mentioned.
But God changed the course of Charlie and Rachel’s lives when they met in their senior years and decided to build a family on their own. Both desired to have a healthly and loving family.

GODTV (Screenshot). (2020). GOD TV, Parent Compass. Retrieved October 13, 2023 from: https://www.god.tv/video/victorious-living/zype
Life as a Christian Couple
As a new mother, Rachael was motivated to raise her kids well. She and Charlie started to go to church. Moreover, Rachael’s friend invited her to a bible study, and it talked about the excellent wife. She read the bible, and for the first time, the words written on it became real in her life. “I realized that the Lord was trying to talk to me. This was reaching me on a deeper level, spirit level,” she testified. Meanwhile, Charlie noticed some changes in Rachael. He found her more at peace and felt the love of Christ coming through her.
Furthermore, it was Mother’s Day when they visited Crossroads Church in Ohio and witnessed four generations of women on the stage. The women talked about how they mentored and supported each other. “I’m thinking about how I don’t have my mom there or my grandmother, but even if I did, my family would never look like that,” Rachael sadly remembered. She felt disqualified for what she saw.
“At the end, the pastor said that, ‘Hey, I didn’t bring up my family to brag or boast. I came to show you what life and what a family can look like. It can start with you,'” Charlie highlighted. After that, they walked out of the building and felt determined to start building a Godly family. That sermon became a commission from God. They treated it as their calling.
Indeed, Rachael and Charlie answered God’s call. Their eldest daughter even said, “I want my future family to look a lot like how my family is right now.”
Watch the full testimony here.
Reference | GOD TV
Header Image: GODTV (Screenshot). (2020). GOD TV, Parent Compass. Retrieved October 13, 2023 from: https://www.god.tv/video/victorious-living/zype