Pastor Mark Driscoll warns of Satan’s attempts to destroy families due to his hatred towards them. He said, “Satan hates families and will do everything possible to destroy what God creates.”
Satan hates families
God originally designed families to reflect His kingdom. Intending them to be places where love dominates and joy reigns. However, Satan knew that a God-centered family could impact society, which is why he despises them. According to Pastor Mark, Satan’s hatred toward families goes way back to when he was still part of God’s family.
He said, “God has a family in heaven of angels. And Satan attacks and divides that family.”
He continued, “Satan then comes down to the earth. And he doesn’t even attack Adam and Eve until after they’re married. He could have attacked Adam as a single man [but] he waited for him to get married because he hates family.”
Pastor Mark went on to narrate how Satan destroyed the family of Adam and Eve.
“And then they have two sons, Cain and Abel. What does Cain do,” he said. “He murders his brother. We’re only four pages into the Bible, and we’ve got a murder in a family among two brothers… Because God loves family. Satan hates family. God makes family. Satan breaks family.”
The pastor addressed this as a warning to all believers. He said, “So, if you’re going to try and do family God’s way, you will experience a lot of spiritual warfare.”
The enemy does everything to destroy what God creates. Adultery, divorce, infidelity, abuse, neglect, and violence have seeped their way into homes. Nevertheless, Christians are called not to be blind to the devil’s schemes. The followers of Jesus are equipped to be conquerors over it.
Pastor Mark’s message encourages Christians to press on in doing God’s will because, ultimately, the battle has already been won by Jesus. Despite potential attacks against families, Jesus is victorious over the enemy.
Header Image: Mark Driscoll, Facebook reel,