Liza Paqueo, a daughter whose mother died from COVID-19 on March 12, wrote a message to those who were spreading false information on social media.
Apparently, fake news about her mother and father were spreading on the internet. She could no longer stand the false information about her parents so she wrote a long Facebook post and clarify everything.
Liza addressed the message to her family and friends. And she started sharing their family’s current heartbreaking situation.
Her Mother Dies From COVID-19
“A few hours ago, my beautiful mother, Nida, was cremated. She died alone without her loving family and friends around her. She was cremated, alone, without ceremony or tribute. My father is alone as well. He is at a Manila hospital, in stable condition, and in quarantine. But he is in deep grief over the loss of his wife of 47 years–the love of his life. My brothers and I are together here in the United States, but we are not allowed to visit my dad. We are not allowed to manage and advocate for him. It has been painful not just for my nuclear family but for all our extended relatives and friends who love my parents and cherished my mom.”

Facebook | Liza Paqueo
Spreading False Information
Then she stated that the fake news circulating on social media regarding her parents compounded the grief their family felt.
“To compound the grief and pain, rumors and malicious misinformation have circulated on social media about my parents. This has all resulted in panic, violence, threats, and stigmatization of our family and loved ones. Disclosure of private information has circulated as well,” she said.
And the grieving daughter revealed the truth through bullet points in her post. She issued a statement:

Facebook | Liza Paqueo
The Truth About Her Parents’ COVID-19
“- My mother Nida Cortes Paqueo died shortly after her 67th birthday. She was healthy and fit. She went into the hospital on March 5 with localized pneumonia.
– A couple of days later, my father was admitted into the hospital.
– On March 11 local time (March 10 US time), my mother passed away. On March 11, we also received the news that she had COVID-19. My father also has tested positive for COVID-19.
– My brothers and I are here in the US.
– All family and friends who have been exposed to my parents are in isolation and quarantine.
Little Girl Dreams About God Telling Her That The Coronavirus Will Soon Be Gone
– The Department of Health is now working with the hospitals and my father on epidemiological protocols around this infection.
– My parents are in Manila. In fact, they have not been to their hometown of Surigao City in several months.
– In addition, they have not traveled anywhere domestically or internationally. They have not been to Siargao, Singapore, Australia, etc.
– No one knows how they contracted COVID-19, but Manila is a crowded, internationally mix city of 13 million people. Speculations as to where they got it from are unknown, and we are leaving that to the Department of Health.
– If you have been around my parents between February 29 (when my mother first reported symptoms) and her death on March 11, then we encourage you to self-isolate for 14 days. And if you have a fever and a cough, please report to the Department of Health. It is the responsible thing to do. There is no stigma with this disease.”
Fake News Stirring Up Fear
The malicious misinformation passed on by people stirred great fear. And Liza calls spreading such fake news as “DANGEROUS, counterproductive and libelous” which could result in harmful consequences.
Also, she wrote that “it can also be dangerous to public health and welfare” and encourages everyone to remain calm.
The daughter then ended the post assuring individuals who are fearful about COVID-19. Further, Liza asked for the people’s respect and prayers for their family’s unlikely circumstances.
“Our family has been in constant communication with infectious disease specialists, medical professionals and with each other to be socially and medically responsible. If you have any questions or fears, please do not hesitate to ask us questions.”
Asking For Respect And Prayer
“HOWEVER, please do respect our family during this extremely painful time. We want to concentrate our energy and our prayers on our father’s recovery (sadly from afar) and not on quelling damaging and dangerous rumors and threats.
We ask for your continued love, support, healing energy and prayers for my father and for our extended community.
Thank you.”
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