An 8-year-old boy is being hailed as a hero for carrying his disabled younger brother though an entire triathlon.
Noah Aldrich
Noah Aldrich is an 8-year-old boy from Idaho who took the internet by storm when he took his brother on an experience of a lifetime. Noah’s younger brother Lucas was born with Lissencephaly, a rare brain disorder where the parts of the surface of the brain appear smooth.
Lucas is unable to walk or talk and often requires help with the most basic tasks like eating. Most of his younger years were spent in a wheelchair and his only response to everyone communicating to him is his lovely smile.
On July 12, 2014, Noah and six-year-old Lucas joined in a triathlon. Noah decided to join a YMCA Kid’s triathlon and he knew that he had to do it with his brother.
On the day of the triathlon, Noah pulled Lucas on a raft through the 200-meter swim. He then rode the bike while Lucas is in a trailer attached to his bicycle for three miles. And finally, Noah pushed his younger brother in a buggy for a mile run under the heat of the sun.
Noah didn’t complain a single time during the race, instead, both he and Lucas were joyful through the experience. Lucas’ joy is evident in his smiles throughout the race.
These brothers have continued joining triathlon races together until today. The recent triathlon they participated in was the Fall Sprint Triathlon 2019.
Until today, their great love for each other never changed and their bond never loosened. They are now going to places to share their wonderful stories and to inspire people with their love and dedication.
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Reference: Buzznick