Public Schools are becoming madhouses. With the rise of more things being “acceptable” in society, it is difficult for Christians to take a stand for the beliefs they grew up with. What you may not know is that your teen has options when it comes to their education. There are many Christian schools to choose from in your area. Here are some of the benefits of attending a Christian High School.
The Christian High School Benefit
While in most cases a Christian High School requires tuition, the benefits of applying could outweigh the financial costs of attending.
- Options. When you live in one part of town, you have limits on schools that are available in the school district. The reason for this is primarily due to taxes. The community, city, or county you live has taxes for schooling for those that live in these areas. However, with private education, like that provided by a Christian High School, you are not held to these restrictions.
- Safer Surrounding. It is true that in today’s day and age that there is no safe place. We have witnessed public violence from malls to church sanctuaries. Schools are no different. The difference between a public and a private school is twofold. First, one must apply to attend; thus, the weeding out process keeps known troublemakers from attending. Also, if there were to be an issue arise within an existing student, there is a stricter disciplinary process than in public schools.
- Better Education. Studies speculate this in two ways. Since private institutions do not receive government funds, then the teacher’s salary is far below those in the public system. This can prevent good teachers from accepting positions, thus leaving teens with sub-standard teachers. On the flip side, and probably more accurate, you have a more dedicated teacher because you have a teacher who is more focused on education than pay. This is especially true within the Christian High School realm.
More Benefits of Attending A Christian High School
- More Structure. Another added benefit of a private high school is a more challenging curriculum. This comes from a smaller student body. With a small school, more time and effort can be spent on educating students. The study material can be narrowed down and not so inclusive. The structure also exists in the appearance and behavior of students. Many require a school uniform, and students must follow strict rules. Schools design the structure to assist students in remaining focused on their education.
- Advancement Opportunities. When you attend a Christian High School, this helps prepare you for a Christian college or university. The structure gives you an advance preview of what one can expect of a college student. Advancement also lies in the school itself. If it is affiliated with a particular denomination or organization, then that school could have inroads to specific colleges. This access can provide scholarships, grants, or discounts when a student wants to further their education.
- Christian Education. Another added benefit is the inclusion of Biblical Study. The Bible is pretty much forbidden within a public-school setting. You are restricted from carrying it, much less teach from it. Within a Christian setting, this restriction does not exist. In fact, much of the curriculum structures itself around Biblical principles.
The Final Word
It is also important to note that in most cases, just like a Christian college or university, there may be financial aid options available. There could also be discounts if you are military, attend a church or organization that the school affiliates with, or meet certain criteria. Speak with the individual school to see what benefits for which may qualify.
A child’s education is not something to take lightly. There is a difference between what a public school offers and what at Christian High School offers. Of course, there are some negative aspects of a private school. Just as these schools can provide a safer atmosphere, they can also isolate students from what is going on in the world. Transportation to and from school can also be a concern. However, a Christian atmosphere can be conducive to a child’s calling for ministry. The most important part is to follow where God leads. When you are in His will, then, wherever you are, you are in the right place.
Jeff S Bray wrote this article.