When a Muslim heard God’s audible voice, not just once but three times, Faisal couldn’t reject and deny Jesus as God.
Faisal Malick
Faisal’s childhood was hard. He was young when his father died in Pakistan, and so they moved back and forth to different places.
Growing up in a Muslim household, it was normal for him to study the Quran three to four hours every day. He thought the Christians were the “bad guys.”
Faisal also became interested in entrepreneurship and business ventures. He attended different business conferences, and one conference changed his life forever.
He Heard God
Before the conference started, a Sunday service took place. Faisal sat in the front row, eager to learn about businesses. When the preacher started saying, “Jesus is the Son of God,” he got angry and was very offended. He was ready to talk to the man and argue with him, but he didn’t have the chance.
“That really offended me because that’s the greatest sin you commit as a Muslim, to confess Jesus as God,” he shared.
Then came the next Sunday session, there was again a service.
He was ready to speak against the preacher but something incredible happened.
“While I was standing there, suddenly, the living God showed up. And when God comes, you know it in every fiber of your being. My very soul, my spirit, my whole body. I was conscious of Him. And His presence went right through me, and went around me. I felt alone with God,” Faisal recalled.
He couldn’t understand why God would come and manifest Himself amongst the people who he thought were blaspheming Him by worshiping Jesus.
God’s audible voice
“I asked, “God, what are You doing here? I thought they [Christians] are the bad guys.” And He said, “No, these are my children.””

(2007). Faisal Malick [Photograph], Retrieved January 27, 2023, from: https://sidroth.org/
“It’s like a veil fell from my eyes and I knew that Jesus is the Son of God,” Faisal exclaimed.
Faisal was never the same again. He was very happy with what he discovered, but his family wasn’t.
He became homeless and lived inside his car. Some of his friends said that it’s because he believed in Jesus that’s why he lost everything. But for him, it was nothing compared to the treasure he found.
“The revelation that Jesus is the Son of God is what’s more real to me. It doesn’t matter where I live or my circumstances in life,” he said.
He began to love God and had a deep affection for the Father, His people, and a love and hunger for the Word of God. He consumed God’s Word thirty six hours straight!
“It was like living this very life coming from His word. And at that time my life began to change. It was as if everybody I came across, they got born again or they came to know that Jesus is the Messiah. I saw people come and gave their life to Jesus. There were Jews, Muslims Hindus, and Atheists.”
And now, Faisal has a ministry “Covenant of Life.” He is a distinctive voice in our times and has a strategic goal of reaching the Muslim world.