After eleven years of being together, a couple was about to divorce. But God showed up and saved their marriage in an unexpected way.
Couple Was About To Divorce
In a recent Instagram post, Lex shared how God reconciled her marriage.
“After 11 years together, my husband and I separated. To even think I would type those words is something I couldn’t ever bear the thought of. Why is this happening? Why us? What about our family? It got dark and fast,” she wrote.
She didn’t have it easy. After the separation, she was extremely depressed, anxious, and exhausted, barely hanging by a thread.
And even though they kept praying, kept trying, and kept co-parenting, nothing seemed to be working.
“After so many years together, if not dealt with correctly, a lot of resentment and unforgiveness can pile up quickly. You slowly start to depart from one another. You allow room for things that shouldn’t be there. Words said. Daggers were thrown,” she said.
Couple Was About To Divorce But God Saved Them
Lex continued to ask for God’s direction, and she was prompted to call the one closest to her.
“It was the worst 5 months of both of our lives and we truly didn’t think we were going to make it through. But He [God] spoke through her to me so clearly. Divorce has been a generational curse in both of @giovanniandresmastro and I’s families and we had to decide if we were going to fight the right way and break it or continue the cycle. We decided to fight and we still are till this day. It’s by God’s grace, love, and mercy that we can share our testimony, no other reason,” she added.
Breaking The Generational Curse
After not allowing their family to break apart and breaking the generational curse, God reconciled their marriage.
“I share this not just for any reason, but because I know there are other married couples struggling right now and need to know and need hope to believe that healing is possible. Redemption is possible. Reconciliation is possible. It’s all in the process of forgiveness, accountability, and learning how to love unconditionally,” she said.
Lex then went on to thank her husband: “Thank you, @giovanniandresmastro, for starting fresh with me, rededicating our marriage to God with the most beautiful baptism, and not giving up, and for fighting forward with me. I love you forever.”
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Header image: Lex and family [itslifewithlex]. Instagram, 1 June 2023,