Fabian was crying outside a store and talking to a co-worker because of work drama. Little did he know, a huge blessing was on its way.
“Work Drama”
Sometimes a simple “you are amazing” makes a huge difference to someone who badly needs it. Every day, you meet different people from all walks of life. Being kind, even to strangers can make a huge differnce.
That is exactly what Jimmy Darts did when he saw Fabian crying outside of a store.
Apparently, Fabian had a bad day because of “work drama”. When Jimmy asked him what happened, he said, “I don’t know, just a bunch of work drama. It’s overwhelming, though. You know the guests… You know, everybody is cussing at you. It gets tiring, you know?”
Jimmy Darts
Jimmy’s mission in life is to help change the lives of strangers he meets on the street. On his website, he wrote, “THROW A DART, STICK YOU IN THE HEART, KILL YOU WITH A LIL’ BIT OF KINDNESS.”
That’s why, upon hearing Fabian’s story, he asked Fabian to play with him so he’d cheer up. “Well, you know what might cheer you up, man? How about we do a couple of tosses with the pig skin? What do you say?”
Fabian was reluctant at first, but because Jimmy was very enthusiastic, he agreed.
Not knowing what awaits him.
He Cried Again, Not Because of Work Drama
After they played, Jimmy said, “Because you’re having a bad day, man, guess what? I want you to open that up. Rip it open. It’s a piñata. There’s $1,000 in there for you.”
Fabian didn’t believe him as he opened the ball. He even said, “Stop ******* around with me.”
But when he saw what was inside, he cried even more. Jimmy said: “God knew you were going to be here today and led me right through you, brother. You’re amazing, man.”
Jesus is the best example of kindness, and the Bible says to be kind and compassionate with one another. Jimmy did exactly that and became a representation of God in this world.
As you go on with your day, may you be reminded to be kind and see how a person’s life changes forever!
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Header image: Fabian [jimmydarts]. Instagram, 23 May 2023, https://www.instagram.com/reel/Csh0-eogssE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link