From the moment we vocalize the salvation prayer (Romans 10:9-10) we are a new creation in Jesus Christ. We then begin to seek the Holy Spirit to renew our mind, heart, and soul daily. This renewing is a sanctification process that for some can take days, weeks, and even years. Through this process we get real with God, we develop faith, a passion for serving others and we begin to read the Bible. Reading the Bible and applying the teachings will ensure we are wearing Holy Spirit glasses.
Evaluating with Holy Spirit Glasses?
Are we walking through life evaluating our circumstances with a veil or are we wearing Holy Spirit glasses? The sanctification process should transform our critical thinking and decision making. Reliance on past experiences and cultural biases should fade as obedience to scripture becomes more dominant. It is our responsibility to read the Holy Bible and rely on Holy Spirit glasses to teach and mold us into good stewards for the Kingdom. Viewing the world with Holy Spirit glasses allows us to have peace with what we cannot explain and gives us joy for a more abundant life.
Focus your Holy Spirit Glasses
- We are made for greatness and the Lord moves us from glory to glory. If we are content living paycheck to paycheck it should as a result of us maximizing our giving. We should learn to invest in the anointing of others and not squander all we have. Recommended reading “The Parable of the Talents – Matthew 25:14-30”
- We should always seek God’s direction and follow his instructions. Not everything the Lord commands will make sense to human reason and logic so we should not rush to make decisions that end up with us righteously justify our actions. Recommended reading “The New Generation Circumcised – Joshua 5:1-9”
- Our trials are not a question of victory or failure, because “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.” (Romans 8:28) Therefore we should learn to persevere and pray through the trials that we may gain wisdom and perseverance. The favor and blessings come with the knowledge of our identity in Jesus Christ. Recommended reading “Testing of Your Faith – James 1:1-18”
- In prayer, we do not need to ask for wisdom, knowledge, or insights on how to manage through a situation. The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and through that word, He has provided all of the wisdom and knowledge to navigate this world. We should seek for miracles and restoration, but the practical direction is found when we seek. Recommended reading “Ask, Seek, Knock – Matthew 7:7-11”