Claire, how do we worship even when there isn’t a big crowd? Because, it’s the secret place that makes the difference.
Oh my goodness. And it is just the most important thing I have learned. So for so many years now, I’ve been leading worship. But what comes out of me is birthed in that place where no one is listening and no one is watching. And because, the heart of worship truly is the lifestyle of worship. That everything is worship. So when I’m doing the dishes and I’m picking up my little boy from school, or I’m helping a friend, or I am just, whatever it might be, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be singing a song. A song is just a reflection of our heartfelt praise and putting it into words almost.
But the lifestyle that we lead. Like, am I good to people? Am I loving? Am I kind? Am I forgiving? I mean all the things I should be, because that is my worship. That’s what God sees, rather than you up on a stage leading worship and singing some nice songs. If that doesn’t come from a place of like, heartfelt, God, I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, and I choose to worship. And you’re right, sometimes, you know, it is that choice. And it is literally a physical choice. I’ve been in places before where I’ve been like, you know what? I could really do without having to lead this morning. I really, I’m not feeling it. Or I feel far from God or I feel, I feel, I feel, and it’s like,
And what’s “I feel” got to do with it?
Exactly. God’s like, “What has I feel got to do with it?” My mom is amazing. My mom watches all of these shows. My mom has GOD TV.
Hey mom. Hey mom!
Through and through. And my mom, we had this moment once where I was really nervous before a big worship set, really big worship set. And she went, “Get a grip. Take your eyes off yourself and put them on Jesus.”
Okay. Come on, come on. Mom, slap me with that one one more time, ’cause I think we all need that one.
Honestly, right? Yeah. She was like, “Get a grip, get your eyes off yourself and put them on Jesus.” And I was like, that for me, just had this moment where I was like, “What am I doing? Like, why am I so concerned with what people think or what I might look like or how I might sound?” If my heart cry is just to worship in spirit and truth, then that’s all I bring. That’s all any of us can ever bring. And He does the rest. He just does the rest.
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