A small organization called Exodus Cry has been coming against the giant Pornhub, forcing the world’s biggest porn site to remove 80 percent of its content, with massive layoffs and its CEO and COO stepping down.
Exodus Cry
In 2008, Benjamin Nolot founded the “Exodus Cry” organization out of his passion for ending sex trafficking. But along the way, after discovering how the porn industry works, they included it in their target to battle against.

Soraya, Claudia.(Photographer). (2017). Woman Behind Curtain [Photograph], Retrieved February 8, 2023, from: https://unsplash.com/photos/3m15w5sirVs
In an interview with the outlet, Exodus Cry’s VP of Communications, Daniel Garcia, said, “We’re a small team coming against a multibillion-dollar industry over exploitation.”
Despite knowing that Pornhub, “the world’s biggest porn site,” is a giant company, the Exodus Cry movement is not afraid. Instead, they wanted to make the people behind Pornhub accountable for their actions.
“We’re not saying ‘don’t watch porn, because it’s immoral,’” VP Daniel explained. “We’re saying we need to hold people accountable who are profiting off of sexual exploitation and sexual assault. Because it’s overtly criminal.”
Coming Against Pornhub
So, Exodus Cry went after the giant porn site with “a three-pronged strategy.” At first, they raised awareness among people through the power of media and social media. The organization created content to inform people about the real deal of sexual exploitation. They also helped the victims of the site. Later, Pornhub finally noticed the small organization and marked them as their number one enemy.

Flour, Kristina. (Photographer). (2017). Woman Hushing [Photograph], Retrieved February 8, 2023, from: https://unsplash.com/photos/BcjdbyKWquw
In Exodus Cry’s battle against porn, they slowly began achieving remarkable success. Apparently, their efforts to come against Pornhub went viral, sparking rage against the giant site across countries. According to their website, “their petition ultimately received 2.2 million signatures from people in 192 countries.”
Pornhub’s Number One Enemy
Moreover, a well-known New York journalist, Nick Kristof, picked up the story and exposed Pornhub. He titled the front page “The Children of Pornhub.”
“Pornhub was a cesspool of rape, trafficking, image-based sexual abuse, and revenge porn,” the VP of communications explained. “Anytime somebody’s being shown in porn without their consent, that’s image-based sexual abuse. Sometimes it’s rape. Sometimes it’s trafficking, sometimes it’s child sexual abuse.”
That’s when the giant site began to be shakened. According to the report, “Pornhub removed the “Download” button on the site.” Then “Mastercard and Visa halted payments on Pornhub.” Also, “Pornhub removed 10 million videos, 80% of its content.”
“The company blamed Exodus Cry and the Traffickinghub campaign as the reason for the move,” Daniel said.
Furthermore, 50 women boldly spoke up and filed a lawsuit against the owner of Pornhub. On top of that, the porn site’s “CEO and COO stepped down” after ten years of leading the company. And rumors said that Pornhub had “mass layoffs.”
“We want to uproot the tree of exploitation. We want to see trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation abolished,” Daniel remarked.
In this great news, truly, the righteousness of God prevail.
“..for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous.” -Psalm 37:17
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Reference | God Reports
Header Image: Flour, Kristina. (Photographer). (2017). Woman Hushing [Photograph], Retrieved February 8, 2023, from: https://unsplash.com/photos/BcjdbyKWquw