Natalie Thomas Runion testifies about healing church hurts. She said that God would finish what He had started.
Natalie Thomas Runion
Worship leader Natalie Thomas Runion shared a story about how the enemy used a painful situation during her late teens, impacting her entire perspective of the church. Two years ago, she received a call from a church that had caused her pain and affected her family. They invited her to lead worship for their 100th anniversary. Initially, she responded, “No, no, why would I do that?” Recalling the hurtful situation, she sought counseling, therapy, and medication, which influenced her decision not to accept the invitation.
However, one of the church representatives insisted, saying, “No, we’re having everybody come back who was part of the church. Like we want you to come lead worship.” Natalie then mentioned that she would pray about the offer. Subsequently, she initially told God she wouldn’t go. But she felt prompted by God to attend, especially as she was writing a book about a reconciled church, a work that was yet unfinished. God revealed to her, “You’re gonna find your last chapter there.”
Eventually, she traveled to Cincinnati and participated in the church anniversary. She observed that the parsonage where they had resided was no longer there. Later, she engaged in rehearsal for the worship service.
“Nobody’s talking about anything. And I’m like, this is just so weird,” she recalled.

Natalie Thomas Runion [@raisedtostay]. It was an exodus. Instagram, January 29, 2024,
God Would Finish What He Started
Furthermore, as the service commenced, they reached the moment when the pastor introduced all those present on the platform. Then, the pastor mentioned Natalie’s name and informed the congregation that her father was one of their beloved pastors. What unfolded next took her by surprise. The entire church rose to their feet and applauded. It was at that moment that her perception of the church underwent a significant shift.
“I thought, oh my gosh, they didn’t hate us. Like I’ve thought for 30 years they hated us,” she remarked. Moreover, she also heard the Lord say, “Pay attention to this moment. What you felt as an exile was actually an exodus. They never hated you.” That moment made her realize that God would finish what He started.
Watch the full video here.
Reference| Natalie Thomas Runion
Header Image: Natalie Thomas Runion [@raisedtostay]. It was an exodus. Instagram, January 29, 2024,