Questioning Christianity – Sundays on GOD TV
“If you were only allowed to ask God one question for the rest of your life, what would it be?” asks Andy Flannagan who hosts Questioning Christianity this week. Watch this extra clip especially for our GOD TV blog readers.
Coming up this Sunday (October 8) the focus is guidance as Andy and the panel discuss questions such as: Is that God or voices in my head? Is God really speaking to me or am I imagining it?
Andy is from Christians in Politics and this week’s panel includes Sarah Yardley of Creation Fest; Debbie Harvie who is a charity director and pastoral mentor; Sue Eldridge of Presence Ministries International; and Cris Rogers of All Hallows Bow.
Produced by Samantha Stephen, Questioning Christianity airs each Sunday on GOD TV. For more information visit Questioning Christianity Online where you can find out more about the series and its guests or watch on demand. You can also read our recent post This Will Make You Question Everything You Believe.