An ex-psychic, now a believer of Christ, warns everyone that a one-time tarot card reading can lead to a dangerous path of deception and destruction.
In a recent episode of “The Playing With Fire” podcast, Jenn Nizza, a former psychic, shared her powerful testimony. She was exposed to occult practices at a very young age. Her family has always been open about paranormal discussions.
“In my home, it was very acceptable to talk about paranormal activity, what people commonly call ghosts, which, of course, were demons,” she said. “I had my very first tarot card reading [at the age of 13].”
From that moment on, Jenn began experiencing demonic oppression. She was even more drawn into these practices when she started to see future events. That’s when she started her first tarot card reading.
“That’s when I really walked through the door, because I was so intrigued by it, and I started seeking it out. … I went full-in,” she said. “It was a rabbit hole of destruction. … I had my own tarot cards, I kept going for readings, I became addicted to it.”

Photo Courtesy: Jenn Nizza
Jenn Nizza
Aside from her family and friends, she also started doing tarot readings for clients. Jenn started to believe that she was helping these people through her abilities. However, it is actually one of the deceptions of Satan.
“This is part of the destruction that happens,” she said. “I think it’s the first line of deception … I’ve always been a compassionate person and these psychic mediums, for the most part, are nice, compassionate people that really do want to help other people.”
Jenn then warned everyone that the people engaging in these things are becoming spiritually vulnerable. Believing that these spirits are “good,” they are allowing evil into their lives.
“Satan masquerades as an angel of light,” Nizza said. “You think that you’re a servant of righteousness.”
Mediums are actually summoning the evil.
“There is no good spirit talking to a psychic. … They masquerade as your deceased loved ones,” Nizza said. “When it seemed like mom or dad or grandma, and you’re crying with your client … that seems good and comfortable.”
After years of being involved with the occult, she eventually found herself calling out to Jesus. She has always suffered from depression and eating disorders and eventually hit her absolute lowest point.
“When I was 36, I first cried out to Jesus,” she said. “I was at the lowest of the low, the lowest moments of my life — one of the darkest moments. … My soul, my spirit, knew to cry out to Jesus. I needed Him.”
From then on, her journey of having a relationship with Jesus Christ began. She finally saw the truth behind her practices and turned away from it.
“I didn’t cry out to a deceased person, a spirit guide, an angel, anybody who I thought I was communicating with all those years,” she said. “I cried out to Jesus Christ and He really did show up.”
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Reference: Faithwire