Pastor Myles Rutherford urges Christians to have a burden to win souls for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Myles Rutherford
In one of his sermon videos, the pastor and founder of Worship With Wonders Church compels believers to have the same heart as God for the lost souls. He shared, “As believers, we should carry a burden and passion to see souls won to the Kingdom.”
Pastor Myles then portrayed one of his heroes of faith, Smith Wigglesworth, as an example of winning souls for Jesus.
“He [Smith Wigglesworth] would not go to bed without winning one soul to the Lord,” he narrated. “That means that he won 365 people to the Lord every year minimum. One night, he went to bed and didn’t realize he had forgotten somebody. He got out of bed, put his clothes on, went to the park bench by the bus, waited for somebody to come catch a bus. And when they did, he led them to the Lord just so he could go back home and sleep.”
In the same way, Pastor Myles encouraged Christians to have the same passion and burden to see people get saved—Christians who are willing to receive the burden that will inconvenience them.
Share the Gospel
Moreover, Pastor Myles reminded the church that sharing the Gospel would bring persecution and rejection. But when the time comes, those people who persecuted them will be the same people who will approach them when they need prayers.
“You will be the one that everybody walks by and puts their hand like this and giggles while they’re looking at you. Because you’re the weird one that serves this almighty being up in the sky,” Pastor Myles preached.
“But there will come a moment where all hell is breaking loose in their life, and they’re gonna say, ‘I don’t know who I need to turn to. But there was this one person at work/school, that we all make fun of. I know right now if I needed somebody to pray for me, it would be that one person.”
Pastor Myles’ message encourages Christians to go and fulfill Jesus’ last command unashamedly.
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