Elizabeth shared her powerful testimony of finding freedom and overcoming challenges such as struggles with drinking, eating disorders, and depressive thoughts.
Her Story
Elizabeth, a graduate student from BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries), courageously shared her personal journey of transitioning from battling with low self-esteem to ultimately experiencing a transformative breakthrough.
“I really struggled with not liking myself, I was so scared to even talk to people… I was overanalyzing every single sentence, every word that I said,” Elizabeth shared.
Elizabeth’s life was consumed by hopelessness as she wrestled with a drinking problem, a debilitating eating disorder, anxiety, and depression. However, everything took a turn when she made the decision to enroll at BSSM. During one of the transformative sessions, a profound longing to personally encounter the Holy Spirit began to ignite within her.
Overcoming Drinking Issues, Eating Disorders, and Depressing Thoughts – Part I
She fervently prayed, “Jesus, I want to know You as a person. I want to know that You are real and I want to know that You are close. And I don’t care what it looks like.”
In a profound vision, Elizabeth witnessed herself waving the white flag, symbolically surrendering her life to God.
In another impactful session, Elizabeth was called forward by a minister who proceeded to deliver a prophetic message.
“My body started to tremble, and I began shaking under the presence of God. The intensity increased, and I fell back, caught by my classmates. I lay on the floor, experiencing the love and power of God,” she said.
Overcoming Drinking Issues, Eating Disorders, and Depressing Thoughts – Part II
Elizabeth described this extraordinary experience as something completely unfamiliar to her. Although her mind remained fully present, she felt her body moving beyond her control. In a powerful vision, she witnessed Jesus approaching her and asking, “Elizabeth, are you ready to dive in?”
She recalled, “I could also see Him sitting with me when I was laying on the bathroom floor after a really bad episode with food. I felt His closeness in those moments where I thought I was alone because I blamed myself for getting trapped in that cycle. But He reassured me, saying, ‘No, I never left you. I have always been with you. I have always been your comforter.'”
Encountering God
From that pivotal moment, Elizabeth gained a profound understanding of the depth of God’s love for her. She recognized that her actions or words were no longer defining factors because she embraced the unwavering truth that she would always be cherished by God.
“My life is completely different now,” she expressed. “I feel like I am becoming the person God has always intended me to be. I spent most of my life desperately wanting to be myself, yet never truly knowing who I was or how to achieve that. He has relieved the pressure and shown me that the Christian life is not about performance; it is about intimacy with Him.”
Watch her story:
Reference: Bethel
Header image: Elizabeth testifying [Bethel]. YouTube, 15 September 2021, https://youtu.be/x8U7GuX_miY