A Disney ticket booker was having a normal day, receiving calls and reserving tickets to the entertainment complex. Until one call came that made her alert the police and saved the caller from abuse.
Disney ticket booker
In Orlando, Florida, the Walt Disney World employee called 911 when she recognized a Pennsylvanian woman was calling for help. The woman was only pretending to call for a reservation when she was hoping to be rescued in truth.
Thankfully, the unnamed employee hero sensed the danger. She heard the woman saying, “get off me” and “get away from me” from the other line. So, she then asked her a series of questions answerable by ‘yes’ or ‘no.’
A call for help
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She first asked the woman if the call was intended to reserve a ticket, to which the woman replied ‘no.’ The woman’s answer asserted her situation. So, the ticket booker pressed on to help the caller.
The employee then asked if someone was hurting her and if she needed assistance from the police. To this, the woman answered ‘yes’ to both.
Immediately, she called the local police and sent them to the woman’s location. The officers then caught the woman’s abuser, who was her boyfriend. They found them in the middle of their arguing and were able to stop the man from inflicting further harm.
The abused woman reported that her boyfriend, Wayne Shiflett, threatened to kill her. During their fight, he slapped her and choked her. Wayne is now charged with strangulation, threats, assault, and harassment.
Without the employee’s alertness and quick thinking, the woman’s call for help would have been in vain. Her readiness to be available in times of need is an example that we should follow. We should grab every opportunity to help thus, modeling the heart of Jesus, our very present help in times of trouble.
Reference: God Updates