GOD TV’s Standing Together programme will be airing the following guests next week:
Monday, Feb 14th
What a brilliant way to spend your Valentine’s Day! Join Fergus & Patricia with special guests, Nicky & Sila Lee, leaders in the Alpha Movement and Founders of The Marriage Course. Nicky & Sila have ministered to married couples all over the world. Literally, there is NOTHING they haven’t seen or heard when it comes to the struggles & triumphs of marriage. They are also COMPLETLEY HILARIOUS…and still working on their own marriage, even after 45 (or is it 46?) years together. So if you need FAITH & ENCOURAGEMENT for your marriage, then this is the programme for you!
Tuesday, Feb 15th
For the last 20 years, GOD TV Asia Regional Director, Thomas Robinson and his team have pioneered Christian media ministry across India and beyond. Now reaching over 110 million connected homes in India alone, Thomas is a great story teller, encourager, and chronicler of all that the Lord has done through media across Asia and beyond. Part of our Regional Director Series. It’s a great update from Thomas & the team.
Wednesday, Feb 16th
Esther Swaffield-Bray is the Chief Partnerships Officer at International Justice Mission UK and an incredible advocate for the gospel work of ministry towards those who have no voice. If you’re unsure of the challenges, reality & needs faced by our brothers & sisters in Christ around the world, then this ST is for you. Esther is an extraordinary witness for the marginalised & oppressed. A really compelling Standing Together.
Thursday, Feb 17th
One of the unexpected highlights when doing these programmes, is when we don’t have a studio guest, but get to spend time together as a team on set. These “Testimony Time” broadcasts are often our favourite shows to film, and with Claire & Fergus on set, you never quite know what’s going happen! A really heartfelt broadcast this one…
Friday, Feb 18th
We got to spend time this week with Ps Ron Cross, who’s pioneering a church in North Devon and bringing his congregation into “the fullness of the Spirit”. In this quiet, teaching-focused programme, Ron shares from scripture about the power, person & presence of the Holy Spirit. This is a beautiful, encouraging Standing Together. A must watch…
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