Every college-bound High School student has stacks of brochures, letters, and envelopes filled with potential candidates for where they will spend their post-graduation years. They begin making their list of top Christian universities with their options open. But as graduation approaches, they narrow down that list to just a few select schools. This process begins with a careful evaluation of what each college or university offers. This list can help your student drill down and help them pick their future Alma Mater.
Top Christian Universities: Course & Degree Options
The first thing a wise student looks at is not how good the party scene is, but whether a school will offer them the education that will allow them to fulfill the calling God has on their life. Careful consideration must be made as to whether a school will offer them the degree they want to pursue, as well as class selection to guide them on that path.
Another consideration that is often overlooked, especially if a teen decides to complete their prerequisites at a community college, is if the credits they receive from that school are transferable to the top Christian universities they choose to complete their degree at. If not, your child’s course plan needs adjusting.
Top Christian Universities Class Size
In addition to having the courses that will help them achieve their goals, they want to be able to have access to the professors that are teaching them. This is referred to as faculty to student ratio. It is how many teachers they have versus how many students attend the university. It is often seen as numbers separated by a colon. For instance, a 14:1 student/faculty ratio would be for every fourteen students; there is one teacher. This is a lower than average number, often seen in smaller institutions. For a larger school, the number is closer to 20:1. Campus Life
Most of the time, a student will live away from home when they attend top Christian universities. This means living in a dorm, often called Residence Halls, or other on-campus housing options. In fact, most colleges require Freshmen to live on-campus. Some colleges require students to live in these dorms until they reach a certain age. So, with these requirements, a student wants to be able to enjoy this new home away from home. This not only applies to the amenities a Residence Hall will provide but what the campus has in general. Study Halls, a good Library, and quick access to classrooms are important in the academic end. Extracurricular activities are crucial for post studies time. These can be athletics, performing arts, and other recreational activities.
Let’s not forget about the spiritual aspect of the college you are attending. What is available for students to pursue their personal Christian walk? Chapel Services, Groups, and other Organizations all help develop a student on their path of a Christ-centered education.
Top Christian Universities and their Admission Cost
This is probably the one thing that weighs a potential college student down. At first glance, the dollar signs may seem insurmountable. But if you have involvement in High School activities like Athletics, Performing Arts, or Agricultural programs, then you should be eligible for scholarships, maybe even grants that will help lower the cost of attending top Christian universities.
The colleges and universities themselves have access to scholarship programs that you can apply for, mainly through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application takes your schooling, grades, and financial situation into account and will show you where you can save money on your college education. Many schools also have a work-on-campus program that helps you pay your collegiate bill through working an on-campus job.
The most important thing to know about the cost of college is that God will always provide. If He has called you across the country, or across the planet, he will provide every dollar your child will need, and then some. Prayer at all stages of the process is imperative. And trust will get you and your child through the application and admission process.
Top Christian Universities: Location
Finally, where the college is located can be a factor in where your young one, now adult, will attend the next four years. This may be difficult for some parents who would love to see their kids staying near home, but an amazing opportunity for the same ‘now-adult’ to experience life on their own. A whole new world awaits wherever they choose to attend school.
The Final Word
One thing we need to remember as parents is this time of their life is very confusing. They are about to make one of the most important decisions of their life; probably the first adult decision they have made. So be mindful of this, and be supportive of their views as well as their ultimate decision. Always consider that their calling is their calling. Not yours. Accept what God has for them and rejoice with them as their dreams come to fruition.