A TikTok influencer offered his viewers a glass of filthy water as an illustration to share the Gospel with them.
TikTok Influencer
Chris, a TikTok influencer with over 30,000 followers recently shared the Gospel in a very creative way! He caught his followers’ attention by offering a glass of filthy water right at the beginning of his video.
“If I offered you this glass of water but before you drink it I said, ‘Hey, wait, just so you know, there’s a little sprinkling of dried dog poop in there.’ You’ll look at me like crazy and say, ‘There’s no way I’m drinking this water.’ But then what if I try to convince you and I said, ‘Hey, you know what, if you think about it, if you can’t even see it, it’s less than 1% of dog poop, more than 99% of water. And if you think in the grand scheme of things, most of the water in this world is found in the ocean, so this water is safer for you to drink than the vast majority of the water on the planet.’ And if I’d say that, you would still look at me like I’m crazy and say, ‘There’s no way I’m drinking that water.'”
Glass of filthy water
Chris then continued to connect his analogy to God’s judgment.
“Just like how it would be right for you to deny drinking that water, it would be right for God to deny you entry into heaven because no matter how much of a ‘good’ person you are on this earth, you are still… a sinner.”
He then explained how nothing else can cleanse us and make us worthy to enter the Kingdom of God but Jesus. He alone makes us clean and worthy because He became the sacrifice to atone for our sins.
What a creative way to explain the Gospel and share the love of Jesus!
@christianfundamentals If there is someone you’ve been praying for, someone that you desperately want to meet Jesus, send them this video! Please like and share so as many people can hear and receive the gospel as possible. I pray this video is a useful tool for you to reach your loved ones. #christiantiktok #Christian #God #Jesus #bible #Gospel #goodnews ♬ Boundless Worship – Josué Novais Piano Worship
Reference: TikTok | Christian Fundamentals
Header Image: Christian Fundamentals [@christianfundamentals]. TikTok Influencer Chris. TikTok, videographed by Chris, June 1, 2023, https://www.tiktok.com/@christianfundamentals/video/7269666740341116206