Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him, “The Lord has not chosen these.” So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered. “He is tending the sheep.” Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.” So he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” – 1 Samuel 16:10-12 NIV
We know that David’s purpose in life was not to solely be a shepherd. The Lord’s purpose for David was for him to be king. However, it was not known that David would be king until Samuel anointed him in front of his father and brothers when he was a young shepherd boy.
You may not know the fullness of your purpose in life all at once. It may take time for the Lord to fully reveal His path for you and bring you into a place where your purpose is manifested. If you feel trapped, or stuck in one place, it is important to trust in what the Lord is doing in your life behind the scenes. Each step you take in business, and your entrepreneurial journey is a part of a specific plan as well. Every season of your life has been uniquely designed and is critical in bringing you to the place that God has called you to dwell. These plans help sculpt you into the person that God has called you to be. You might not see it clearly as you go through each season, but you will be able to connect the dots as you look back on where you’ve come from and see what God has taken you through with Him by your side.
During his Stanford commencement address Steve Jobs famously said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something…”. Steve Jobs may not have been a Christian, at least not that we are aware of, but we can certainly draw truth from his words. Considering he is one of the most successful and innovative businessmen of all time, he certainly has wisdom and knowledge to impart. As Christians, we know that the “something” we trust in is God.
The Lord is always moving on your behalf. His great love for you continuously calls you into greater intimacy with Him. As you pursue your relationship with God, and you are obedient to the process that God is taking you through, you will be able to see the greater purpose God is calling you to through each season and moment in life.The key is to tune in to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you personally and remain obedient to the assignments the Lord gives you along the way. If you are called to be a future CEO of a Fortune 500 company it is very likely you won’t get there overnight. The Lord will take you down many paths and stepping-stones before you arrive at a complete picture of your life’s purpose. Remember, David began his life as a shepherd boy, but he ended his life as a King.
Pray this prayer with me:
Father God, thank you for the work you are doing in my life. I trust that you have placed a unique purpose on my life. I trust in Your process. I know that Your will and purpose for my life are greater than I could ever imagine. I commit my life’s work entirely to you. Amen
This is an excerpt from Matthew Bell’s book The Kingdom-Empowered Entrepreneur which is now available on Amazon. This post was written by Matthew Bell, a Christian entrepreneur, business leader, speaker, and founder of Bell Interactive.