A drive-in style Church was created so that Christians can still gather to worshiping God while maintaining social distancing to avoid contracting coronavirus.
Social Distancing
In some countries worldwide, people are being advised to keep at least a meter distance when interacting with people. It is called “social distancing,” which can help reduce a person’s risk in contracting the coronavirus.
In America, which is now the third in having the most cases of COVID-19, social distancing is being strictly observed. With the increasing number of positive cases in different states, public gatherings are prohibited across the nation.
But the Christians in America have still found ways to continue their worship to God while keeping themselves safe from the virus. Some Churches are conducting Sunday services online so that their members can still worship right in their homes. And some found an innovative way to continue to gather to hear the Word of God, while maintaining their social distance.
Drive-in Church
Chris Brooks Ministries (CBM), in partnership with Victory Christian Worship, created the “Drive-in Church”. The Drive-In Church allows people to gather on a parking lot inside their cars and hear the Word of God.
“We believe the Holy Spirit has given us an innovative way to keep social distancing, honor our President, and still come together as the body of Christ. It’s a NEW WAY…… DRIVE-IN style Church,” CBM wrote on their Facebook page.
Surely nothing can stop those with a passion for the Lord. Through this innovative way of conducting Sunday services, the hope of Jesus can still be heard even during this time of crisis.
“We watched the Lord working on hearts and transforming lives,” CBM added. As people sat in their cars, worshiping through their sun roofs with tears streaming down their faces. And shouting amen via honking their cars!”
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Reference: Facebook | Chris Brooks Ministries