Parents always desire the best for their children. The best school, the best soccer team, best cricket team, and best music school, the list is endless. Our hearts desire is to see our children grown up to be successful, well breed individuals. It is such a wonderful thing to dream big and great things for our children.
How about including Jesus in our dreams for our children!
Jesus and Children
Have you ever thought about it? Picturize your children and Jesus sitting together and working on a school project, your child and Jesus working out together for the next match, your child and Jesus practicing together. What a wonderful team!
It is for this very reason Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16.
Jesus is mindful of your children. He doesn’t in any way consider them amateurs to work with. The way God the Father desires to speak, reveal secrets and work through us adults, He desires to walk, talk, and show children a glimpse of heaven. God, our Heavenly Father, who better than Him will know our children? He works in their lives in the way they understand. What a wonderful team to build the kingdom of God!
The Threat
Through the ages we see Satan trying to destroy a generation, an attempt to stop God’s plan of Salvation. During the birth of Moses there was a decree to kill all the new born Hebrew children. He knew very well that from that generation would emerge the one to rescue the Israelites out of Egypt. Then again during the birth of Jesus there was a decree to kill children between the age group of 0-1 years. Satan’s attempt to destroy the Saviour of the world.
In today’s day and age our children are attacked but Satan’s strategy has changed. This time he is trying to destroy this generation by not only harming the children physically but also mentally. The evil one is attacking the minds of our children. Over the span of three to four years the digital world has gained a prominent place in the lives of this generation. It started off for good reasons but all the wrong reasons have over powered them.
The explosion of knowledge is making this generation smarter but not stronger. We see the rise of young children struggling with issues like insecurity, fear, hopelessness, depression, lack of confidence etc. It is because our children are so used to communicating to machines that they are getting insensitive to the real touch of the living God. Their minds are trapped in this digital world that is numbing our children’s creativity. They are losing the touch of their Creator. and invariably they get into a shell that makes them believe that they are all alone in all their struggles and they alone have to work it out. This is the lie the devil is using for his benefit. “Satan is a liar, and he is like the lies he tells. He is the father of lies.” – John 8:44
Our Mandate
In the book of John (6:8-9) Andrew brought the little boy to Jesus with the little that he had not knowing what would follow. And we all know the miracle that blessed thousands.
Let us make every effort to take our children to Jesus, trusting God to do a miracle through them. That doesn’t mean just dedicate them to the Lord and pray for them alone. It is for us to introduce Jesus to our children as God the Father, a loving friend, help them develop a relationship with their Creator. Help them recognize God’s love for them. As we feed our children with the word of God the Holy Spirit works alongside and speaks into their life. Just as the Holy Spirit renews us from within, He works within our children. No one can take the place of the Holy Spirit and no one can comprehend His ways.
Imagine this teamwork beginning, as your children begins to trust God for the little things that concern them. Father God trust’s our children with the mysteries of heaven then who are we to stop them. It is time we stop underestimating our children to handle what God has in store for them. He is still saying, “Do not hinder them.”
Comprehend the combination of this age knowledge and presence of Christ in our children’s lives!
The amalgam of this new age technology and inventions with the creations coming out from the throne room of The Father. This combination has power to create history and this power and combination is in your children. We are all coworkers with Christ building His kingdom and our children too are a part of this His expansion.
Encourage them to gain as much knowledge from the world but be not of it. Let’s raise up Daniels, Josephs who dared to stay in a foreign land adapt to their ways but yet preserved their hearts for the living God. These are examples in the Bible who paved the way for us to dare to live for the glory of God.
Warrior’s Arrow
“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, are children born in one’s youth.” – Psalm 127:4
Dear Parents recognize what you have in your hands. You have arrows that has the power to bring down every plan of the evil one. Believe, your children can grow recognizing their identity in Christ each day. They are created to hear God’s voice we are the ones to teach them to listen and be sensitive. We are the ones to help them know they are loved by a Loving God. We are the ones to sharpen them.
With Jesus they have the power to make history. As parents believe your children are is the hands of the King of Kings and He has the best for each one of them.
Trust God with your children, they make a great team!
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