Something I’ve been learning about a lot in terms of relationships, is how impactful true intentionality looks like. And I think that, you know, just as life continues on, we realize that our life is going at the speed of light, and so is someone else’s. And so just because I have something going on, doesn’t mean that all the close people around me don’t, or vice versa. I had a friend recently, who’s going through a big life change, a big, exciting life change. And it just hit me a couple of months ago, how intentional she had been in the midst of her huge, exciting season that she’s in. And I texted her and I was like, hey, I just want to thank you for being so intentional with me, for asking me how I’m doing. For remembering the things that are like the things that seem so small in comparison to what she’s going through, and just being like, wow, this is important. And I’m so thankful to have a friend who’s pursuing me the way that she is.
It encouraged me to then, therefore, remember to be that intentional with those around me as well. I think it just like breaks comparison. I think it breaks the comparison of, oh, she’s going through this, she’s going through that. Like I have to be on my own little island and celebrate all the small things on my own or big things on my own, where I think that that’s not how we were created to live. We were created to be going through the big things together with people, and the small things and just doing life. I think that this is just what I’ve been coming back to. Like, life is pretty simple and who can we do the simple things of life with? I don’t want to water down the big moments for people. That’s not what I’m saying. But I think that to find deep friendship and deep community requires us to be intentional in the very simple things of the day-to-day.
So, if this sparks someone in your brain to be like, oh, that’s my friend. I encourage you to reach out to them and say, “Hey, thanks so much. I see your pursuit of me, and I’m so thankful for it.” And if this is stirring something inside of you to be that intentional friend, like be it, it’s really beautiful and it can be messy. It doesn’t have to look a certain way, but start to create that rhythm between people that you love and that you want to do life with, because it’s so fruitful and so beautiful. And again, life’s pretty simple. So who can we live the simple ordinary days with? That’s my encouragement to you and my call to you, to just be an intentional friend and love the ones that love you well.
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