A Police Officer and his wife prayed to God to have their own family, and God led them to adopt a baby abandoned in a safe haven box.
Couple Praying To Have Their Own Family
Indiana Police Officer Bruce Faltynski and his wife Shelby had always dreamed of building their own family. They’d been praying to God about it and eventually the young couple decided to opt for adoption. First, they adopted an 8-year-old girl named Kaia. And months later, God once again added a new family member.

Photo Courtesy | NewsNation
One fine day in northern Indiana firehouse, a baby was left abandoned in a Safe Haven box. The social service who took care of the baby later called her Myah. Unbeknown to the little baby, God had already prepared her would-be adoptive parents who asked God for her.
Abandoned Baby Myah
Apparently, Bruce and Shelby went through foster-to-adoptive parent training to enlist as a couple qualified to adopt babies. As they prepared themselves, God led them to baby Myah.
Finally, the social service called the couple and told them about the baby girl who needed a home. So, they took her home without any hesitation, knowing she was God’s answered prayer. Now, baby Myah does not just have a loving mother and father but a loving big sister as well.

Photo Courtesy | NewsNation
In an interview with NewsNation, Bruce recounted the moment they received the social service call. They felt nervous, and then pure joy took over.
“We waited for God to give us our own family,” Shelby said.
Meanwhile, Myah’s new big sister, Kaia, also shared her excitement about having a baby sister.
“As I’m being a big sister, I can hold her, feed her and play with her cause it’s really fun to be with her,” the 8-year-old said.
Shelby also expressed her admiration for Myah and Kaia’s mother, who granted them the privilege of becoming their family. And the new mom has a message for other couples praying to have children. She encouraged, “…God uses the storm and He has good plans. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future and I hope that God can use our story to encourage another family to know that He truly does have better plans, even when it does not feel like it.”
Reference | Faithpot