The pressure is real in terms of keeping our Christian values. The standards of this world surrounding us seem to entice us to compromise our beliefs and faith. But God knows our struggles, and that’s why He is very clear in His Word, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
God knows our weak points but He also knows and gives us ways to escape those temptations. Also, as Christians, we are called to be the salt and light of this world and not conform to its patterns. Angela Zatopek is a good example of this. As a 25-year-old blonde beauty from Houston, Texas, she beat 35 other contestants on NBC’s matchmaking series, ‘Ready for Love’ in 2013.
In the video below she stands up for sexual purity. Angela won the Reality TV matchmaking show despite being told that she had a reduced chance of winning because of her choice to remain a virgin until marriage. She wanted to be an example and a testimony to today’s youth showing them that sexual purity is a beautiful path that everyone should take.
Watch her full story and testimony below.