Sex in the Digital Age. GOD TV shines a light.
Sex in the Digital Age aired on GOD TV in November and December 2017, offering anyone doing a search for the word ‘sex’ in the EPG of DIRECTV or SKY the option to watch this radical new series hosted by Craig Gross of XXX Church. The good news is that you can now watch the first six episodes on demand.
Craig is known as ‘the porn pastor’ for his bold message that “Jesus loves porn stars.” His ministry has exhibited at over 100 ‘adult expos’ during the past 17 years. XXX Church aims to achieve three objectives. 1. create awareness in a non-judgemental way. 2. help prevent young people being exposed to pornography and 3. to offer support to addicts.
Craig says pain and conflict can be found throughout the sex industry and in the lives of people addicted to porn. “We want to tell all involved that we don’t condemn them, that we understand what they’re going through. That they are not alone and help is available. We don’t yell or picket, we simply engage in a conversation that offers something much better than porn.”
“Don’t blame the darkness for being dark. Blame the light for not shining in the darkness.” – Craig Gross.
While some may frown upon Christians participating in an adult expo, Craig and his team believe they are taking God’s light into the darkness. And, while a TV series on sex may not be what one would expect from a Christian broadcaster, GOD TV is taking the bold step to help viewers walk in freedom. The are six episodes of Sex in the Digital Age include:
Sex in the Digital Age Episodes
- Craig Gross shares how he started XXX Church to provide a safe place to help people and shares the story of the former porn star, Brittni whose life was completely turned around by Jesus. She married a pastor and serves God wholeheartedly. Watch online.
- Craig talks to Marriage and Family Therapist, Steven Luff about Porn And The Brain.
- Craig talks about having great Sex in Marriage and challenges the incorrect perspective that it is a taboo discussion.
- How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex.
- Craig teaches on overcoming pornography.
- Craig and Steven Luff of the Faith and Sex Center talk about the importance of having Pure Eyes.
Sex in the Digital Age Courses
In addition to the launch of Sex in the Digital Age, GOD TV is partnering with XXX Church to provide several online courses at a 20% discount. Click to participate. The four courses include:
- Best Sex Life Now – This an online video course hosted by Dave & Ashley Willis and Craig & Jeanette Gross. It’s an honest conversation about sex and marriage for couples that spans 10 different videos (plus two bonus videos) and a downloadable discussion guide.
- Fighting for My Marriage is a proven program to strengthen (and possibly even save) a marriage that is failing. It offers the solutions and support couples need to navigate through difficult relational issues.
- Touchy Subjects: We now live in a ‘touchscreen world’ that is full of touchy subjects. This course gives parents a strategy to guide their children safely into adulthood, teaching them how to interact correctly with sex, technology and social media.
- My Pilgrimage: My Pilgrimage is a four-module approach to finding freedom from pornography and masturbation. It starts by upending everything we thought we knew and ends with complete and total freedom.
- X3 Pure: This workshop is for both single and married men. If you are struggling with pornography or sexual addiction, X3pure workshop is a useful resource to help you. Private, online and effective, the X3pure program can help men end the downward spiral of shame and alienation.
- Recover: The Recover Workshop is a four-module approach to help women recover from sexual betrayal. It starts with real-life stories and provokes deep thought and reflection. This helps women obtain healing and recovery they didn’t know was possible.
As Craig Gross says: “Families today face no bigger issue today than porn and sex addiction.” He acknowledges children as young as nine view porn and says we cannot allow porn educate our children about sex. “Porn is a cheap substitute that holds us back from achieving all God has called us to do,” Craig concludes.
Watch Sex in the Digital Age and other life-changing GOD TV programming that will help you and your family stay on track with God and His divine purpose for your life.