Jesus rose from the dead. He died first before He rose. This is resurrection power. The Holy Spirit was at work all through His life even to His resurrection and Ascension. We too must live a life of death to self to experience His resurrection power. When we are weak He is strong. His power is released in weakness. We don’t need His power when we can operate in our own strength. I have experienced His resurrection power when I have called for His strength. This applies in all areas of life. He comes when we are weak to strengthen us through His resurrection power. His death was a lifestyle He lived before He was crucified. We too are called to die to self and live in His strength.
Self Power
This is not an easy journey for most of us who have grown up to be self sufficient. In the world we are trained to be independent and to be strong. This is good in some ways but maybe a hindrance when we need to rely on the Lord. He desires for us to walk in His strength. He said He would carry our burdens but we prefer to do it our way. Letting go and letting God is not easy. We need to retrain our way when we come to the Lord. His ways are the best way to walk. He has sent His Holy Spirit to help us in our walk. We have access to supernatural power to meet all our needs.
Resurrection Power
Operating in resurrection power is the way to live an abundant life on earth. This is the heavenly life on earth. We pray thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven but never realise this. Why? I believe it is because we prefer to walk in our own way and strength. We prefer to ask the Lord to bless our work rather than do what He wants us to do. We pray to do His will but then do our own will. Pride keeps us locked in our own prison. God has so much more for us but we are happy with our little. We need resurrection power to live a heavenly life on earth. I desire this more than anything else.

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