Unto the Lord be all glory and power and blessing. He is the One who calls you and appoints you and will see you through to the end. He is the Father of all and His mercy and grace surround you. Many are the structures in your mind that restricts you. Now is the time to let them all go. These structures cause you to be imprisoned in a state of apprehension as fear keeps them immovable. Now you can bring them down as His love invades your space. When you surrender all to Him then He moves in to dismantle these structures of your mind. He will then infuse you with His love. His love will remove these structures and replace them with His presence. His presence is all you need for in Him you don’t need structures. The structure is only required for your ego to feel safe. Once you have released self-control to His control then you become a free agent of His love. Man not dependent on God is an enemy to himself without knowing it. You become unconscious of the processes of your mind. Your mind then dictates your moods and thoughts and usurps your will. Your will then determines the outcome of your life. This sometimes ends in tragedy. A mind controlled by the ego is susceptible to despair for it gets tired of itself. All it does is go around in circles over the same old things that occupy the mind. The mind cannot sit still, for sitting still is like death. It will deny death by remaining active and deluding itself through such activity. So life becomes a merry-go-round till it wastes itself and dies.
The Lord is over all and in His presence is peace everlasting. The mind will always doubt but the spirit will move out in faith. So don’t be distracted by your mind that will provide excuses. Once you are able to disconnect with your mind then you will find it easier to operate in the spirit. For most people, their problem is with their mind. Their mind will bring up all kinds of issues to distract you from operating from presence. Presence is the silence behind the mind. The mind wants to control but it needs the form of thought to control. Thoughts are a distraction for they come from different sources. In the spirit, you come into His presence, and in His presence, you are not controlled by your thoughts but by His thoughts. Your mind will resist His thoughts but He is in control and therefore He will always win.
Spirit Control
Subjection to His Spirit in you will enable you to overcome mind control. Once people realise this then they will want to be in His presence at all times. This is the only way to overcome the mind. Others will try to control you, using their mind power but you will not be controlled by them when you respond from your spirit man. Many fall into the hands of others because their minds give in to them. In the Spirit, you can be in command and overcome all situations. This is the spiritual war and only can be overcome through His Spirit.

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