A man died in a car crash, went to hell, and then to heaven before God brought him back to life to share this powerful message.
Died in a car crash
On August 30, 2002, Randall Rathbun was driving on his way home when he heard a voice commanding him to take his hands off the steering wheel. He did what the voice told him to do and he lost control of his car and it crashed. What he experienced after the crash changed his life forever.
In an interview with Randy Kay, Randall shared his testimony and the message God wanted to tell everyone through him. Prior to his accident, he was active in his church and was serving the Lord on the worship team. However, what people around him didn’t know was that he was living a double life. He was diagnosed with acute psychosis, a mental condition that causes temporary nervous breakdowns.d

ISN – It’s Supernatural! Network [@ISN-ItsSupernaturalNetwork]. Randall Rathbun. YouTube, April 12, 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbgvEF-k93k
Experience in hell
On the night of his accident, the next thing he knew after crashing his car was that he was 20 ft above his car and was painfully chained up. After that, he was brought to hell, he knew that it was the consequence of all the secret sins that he had. He lost hope and thought that he would be in hell forever.
But then God took him up to heaven to tell him something that would make him turn away from his sins. Randall was face-to-face with God the Father and He said to him that his sins have been paid by His Son.
“I believe that he wanted me to know that he is a gracious merciful God. Mercy means undeserved kindness, nothing you could do would earn it,” Randall testified.
Encounter in Heaven
Right at that moment, he experienced the pure love of the Father and His great mercy. After that encounter, God brought him back to life for him to share this powerful message:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart your soul and your strength and your might and then love your neighbor as yourself. That’s what it’s all about, that’s what heaven is all about.”
Reference: YouTube | ISN – It’s Supernatural! Network
Header Image: ISN – It’s Supernatural! Network [@ISN-ItsSupernaturalNetwork]. Car Crash. YouTube, April 12, 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbgvEF-k93k