After traveling from space for 534 cumulative days, a NASA astronaut claimed that the Bible and Science are not in conflict but in agreement: “God is the Creator.”
NASA Astronaut Jeffrey Williams
Jeffrey Williams is the second-ranked NASA astronaut who was able to travel space for “534 cumulative days.” According to the report, he did “four space missions from 2000 to 2016” inside the “Space Shuttle Atlantis” and the “Russian Soyu rocket.” Being in space gave the astronaut an in-depth realization of what was written in the Bible.

NASA Astronaut Jeffrey Williams [Photograph], Retrieved January 26, 2023, from:

Then in 2010, Jeffrey shared photos he took from space and published it in his book “The Work of His Hands: A View of God’s Creation from Space.”
Scripture And Science Aligned
Recently, the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. opened a new exhibit about Science and religion. And the former NASA astronaut spoke at the event and shared revelations on the Scripture’s relationship with Science.
In an interview with Christian Headlines, he said, “I get the question all the time – ‘How can I be in the business that I’m and be a Believer at the same time?'”
It’s been known for many years that “science and the Bible are in conflict.” Jeffrey knew about this idea. So, he made it a mission to disprove such perception as he worked as an astronaut.
“So early in my career, even back in the 90s, I spent a lot of time studying the theme…,” he recalled.

Ingalls, Bill.(Photographer) (2023).
Jeffrey Williams [Photograph], Retrieved January 26, 2023, from:
Modern Science Came Out From Bible
Today, he concludes that “Modern Science.. really came out of the conviction that the Bible was true. And that God is the Creator, as He has revealed Himself in the Scripture. And in that creation, He provisioned it and ordered it.”
Further, Jeffrey shared how the intelligent mind behind the “order of math, physics, chemistry, and music” blew his mind. And it considerably changed his perspective.
“And then bearing the image of God, we’re given this ability and actually mandate to subdue the creation right there in Genesis 1,” he explained. “Those are the elements that fed my understanding. My worldview, and actually substantiated what I believe has been the calling of the Lord in my life. In this job that we call astronaut. So [faith has] only substantiated my understanding in that.”
The astronaut also referenced the early scientists who were believers of Christ—”Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell.” He said that modern Science was birthed because of their discoveries and initiatives.
Jeffrey never hid his Christian faith and publicly professed his faith in Jesus.
“I have a relationship with God because of the mediating work of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Scripture,” he declared.
Reference | Christian Headlines