Hope doesn’t stand in expectations, but expectancy, there’s a difference. Expectations are what we think should happen. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been at fault for giving my plans to the Lord and expecting it to happen or expecting it to look a certain way. But there’s a difference between that and expectancy, and there is hope in expectancy.
Expectancy is knowing who God is, and knowing that He will show up for you, and knowing that He has good things for you, because that is what His Word says. Hope is a part of a weapon of the Kingdom of Heaven. You know, it says that we’re not fighting against flesh and blood, but against princes and principalities, right? And so how do we arm ourselves in that? We can choose hope and that is a part of a weapon, right?

And so I think about, you know, many times that I have chosen expectations and I’ve gotten disappointed. Has anybody watching ever been disappointed? I know I have and I set myself up for it sometimes, many, many times. I just want share a quick story to kind of give, hopefully a revelation on what hope is, because I had a hard time grasping for it for a while when I had met so many disappointments and pain in my life, and it’s something I had come to expect. And one time the Lord told me, He said, “Will you give your disappointment to me?” And me? I’m like, “I’m surrendered, Lord, I’ll give it you.” So I started to say, “Lord, I give you my…” and I could not physically say it. It was so weird. I’ve never not been able to say something before like that. So I was like, okay, that was weird, let me try this again. “Lord, I give you my…” and I could not say it. And I was like, what is going on? And so I realized that disappointments had become a comfort zone for me, and it was making it really hard to choose hope for my life. And so I had to, in my heart, let go of all the pain of the disappointments, and release it fully, submit and surrender it in my heart. And then I was able to say it.
I was finally able to say, “Lord, I give you my disappointments,” and it was life-changing. And I want to read Psalm 62:5-6. It says, “Yes, my soul, find rest in God. My hope comes from Him. Truly, He is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress. I will not be shaken.” I will not be shaken because my hope is in God. And that is when we truly choose hope in Jesus. Hope to know that He is our God, He is our fortress, He is our firm foundation, and we will not be shaken. We can know that He is good. So I just pray for your situation right now. I pray over any disappointments, that you would release them in Jesus’ name and all hope, hope in Jesus, hope in God would fill you today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Friend, there’s a heart, there’s a life, there’s a person, there’s a real person that needs to hear the good use of Jesus Christ at this very moment. Today, I appeal to you to join with us and become a media missionary. Sow financially into GOD TV, and let’s take this good news of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Through your giving, through your prayer, through your support, this world is going to be changed. And the good news of Jesus Christ is going be heard around the world. God bless you.
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