And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. – Romans 12:2
Some of the best sermons I’ve heard, and the most meaningful conversations I’ve had about the Bible, have included the subject of Spiritual Outages. In studying this more for myself, and in comparing it to the most recent events in my own life, I do see how many of us, unknowingly, allow this to happen.
Where my lights had been dimmed, due to the various distractions around me, the enemy was working hard to take me down, and most certainly, take me out. It’s been through these trials that I’ve learned not to give him the extra ammunition to do so.

Drifting Away from the Truth
Much of the last two years have almost been a blur. I was living in a “hurry up and wait” state of being, and these life-events did seem purposed to distract me.
As followers of Christ, we’ve all been warned of the perilous times ahead, and the dangers of God’s people drifting away from the truth. This loss of spiritual power will take place so subtly that many of us will not perceive it. Men shall become lovers of themselves, covetous, proud, lovers of pleasures, and more than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
Sadly, we’re all witnessing this in today’s society. Christians are blending in, versus being set apart. Men and women are justifying their cause and effect, all for their own happiness. Laws are being bent to conform to this sin, as families are “justifiably” being pulled apart, and in not holding each other accountable.
Isn’t it Time for Change?
To change is the act or instance of making or becoming different. The definition of impact is to have a strong effect on someone or something. The synonyms include: affect, influence, have an effect, have an influence, exert influence, make an impression, act, and work.
Have you abandoned your post, and is your life’s mission now at stake? Are you allowing the devil to steal the very heart of your own Christian testimony, as he is trying to strategically send you into this world in vain?
There will be no divided hearts in Heaven. Those who enter into God’s Kingdom will be there because they do want eternal life with Him, and more than anything else in this world.
Placing your relationship with God at the center of your life, and revolving everything you do around it, inviting God to change the parts of you that need it, making it a habit to seek God’s will everyday, as well as following it, then you will notice “the change” in your life.
Be the Change!
Choosing Him amidst the chaos, focusing on Him when your world is spinning around you, this will create an impact for change. People will witness what He is doing in and through your life, as your life will bear witness to Him.
He told us it would be difficult in these coming end-times, and that’s a fact. It is our response in the middle of these adversities that is going to count. Yes, we are going to be persecuted. And yes, we are going to be tried; but, our long-suffering will strengthen our endurance, and in time, it will also strengthen our faith.
What doesn’t kill us, does make us stronger! Each one of us can allow these life-experiences to be this “imprint for change” in our own lives.
Let us ALL be the change we want to see in this world!🙌