Is There Really a God?
“Isn’t everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what’s the point of all this comparing and competing? You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle.” 1 Corinthians 4:7
Where is this Creator of ours today? Do you feel as if God is totally silent right now in the world? And more personally, in your life?
Is it possible that not hearing from God might be a listening problem? Often times, God has already given us the answer, and we even know it but pretend not to so we can hear what we want. As has been very apparent, and up close and personal, over the past months is that we live in a world of sin.
The truth is that God gives our world freedom. And he has given us the freedom to choose, which is at the center of whether or not we succeed or fail. It really depends on where your treasure is. Most of us get our self worth from what we do. And we’re so afraid and jealous of any competition because it may take away from our success. This is the first listening problem.
We already are a success when we accept and submit to Jesus Christ. Done, worthy, and loved!
And so the key is to listen everyday with an open heart, write down what you are impressed that are God’s intentions and check them with others that listen to HIM that you trust. Or bring it to CBLI and test it with our trusted team!
Action Steps:
Let’s all send up a prayer for our world right now, in this moment. Maybe even light a prayer candle for all those who are suffering, weeping, hurting, longing, etc.
Open your heart and listen today to what God may be whispering to you, then take some time to talk to a trusted friend about what you may be hearing. Write down how God shows up.
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Written by Jami and Marla Keller, Christian Business Leaders International Chief Business Officer and Chief Relationship Officer. Jami and Marla are also Mentors, Coaches, Consultants with Passion Provokers in Boise, Idaho.