Some would argue that a minister must be a man. Even Paul had addressed this position in his letter to Timothy. But Paul was stating an opinion here, not scriptural fact. Even Jesus had said that if people were silent, the stones themselves would cry out. So, if rocks would declare Christ in the absence of a voice, why wouldn’t women be allowed to share the message of Jesus Christ? It is honorable that women like Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, and Lysa TerKeurst choose to stand up and shout about our Loving Savior.
Joyce Meyer’s ministry has reached millions upon millions of lives; just as the ministry of Billy Graham has reached the masses. What matters is that all ministry centers around the Gospel. We are all called to share Christ and to love people. This is the central theme and motto of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Sharing Christ like Joyce Meyer
All ministry has one central theme; The Great Commission. It is the one commandment he left with His disciples before He left earth. And the message was to go tell the world about what they have witnessed through Jesus. These two methods tie all scripture together: Personal experience and His Word.
Through Experience – It is one thing to tell people that Jesus is there and all they have to do is accept Him. But unless you can draw on experience, they will only be words to the person you are speaking to. This is why your testimony is so important. Your testimony does not have to be dramatic or filled with tragedy. Whatever trials you do go through are there for you to have a testimony. Joyce Meyer uses her life experiences, namely the abuse she received as a child, to reach those who have been through similar circumstances. You can use your testimony to reach people no one else can.
“Have God make a message out of your mess.” – Joyce Meyer
Through His Word – Just as words are futile without life experience, life experience is empty without His Word to back it up. After all, how do we overcome the adversity in our life without God’s Word to draw on. The example the Bible leaves, the promises it gives, the revelation we receive, all point to Christ. To properly share Jesus, we not only need to be readers of the Word, but we need to do what the Word says.
“Don’t just learn from God’s Word, but believe it will change your life.” – Joyce Meyer
Loving People like Joyce Meyer
Two things are a must with sharing Christ with others. One, you must believe. Believe what you are saying is true. The second one is to love the ones you are sharing with. I Cor 13 gives clear instruction as to what love is. It is called The Love Chapter for a reason.
Those Around You – Your first responsibility is to the people around you. Your personal mission field is not thousands of miles away; it is in your backyard. Your family, your neighbors, your coworkers, and those you encounter daily. Our living example of Christ is reflected in how we treat others.
The second half of The Greatest Commandment is to “love others as you love yourself.” Loving people is a testimony in itself. When someone recognizes that you don’t treat people poorly, it earmarks you as a Christian. People notice. This can intrigue them, giving them a hunger to know more. Then, the door opens. Remember though, just because we are called to love, does not mean we will be loved back. But that should not discourage us or cause us to stop loving.
“Stop being tormented by everyone else’s reaction to you.” – Joyce Meyer
Those Around the World – We all read through the headlines about trouble individuals face throughout the world. We see stories of war, hunger, and persecution, and our hearts go out to those who are suffering. Yet, few of us act. We justify it by saying, “that’s not my calling,” or “someone should do something about that.” Matthew West sings a song that addresses that very topic. God’s answer to, “God, do something about…” is “I created you!”
Love is not a feeling; love is a choice and an action. We cannot say we love someone, then do nothing to prove that love. Christ proves His love in John 3:16; he died for us – the ultimate display of love. We are called to show this type of love to others.
“We’re all important in God’s eyes.” – Joyce Meyer
Run the Race
Countless Christian ministries flood television and the internet. Today we have more access to God’s Message than ever before. The Bible is in nearly every language, many ministries have frequently visited websites, and best of all, we have the freedom to access and share the Gospel. Ministers like Joyce Meyer, Max Lucado, Beth Moore, Tony Evans, and Joel Osteen all use Social Media and other media platforms like GOD TV to faithfully spread the message of Christ’s love for the world.
The message of each ministry is universal. It is for everyone. There is no race, religion, denomination, or gender separation. We are all loved; we are all called; we are all in this race together. Jesus’ message was clear in 32 AD and it is just as clear today. We are to share the responsibility with His messengers to share the Gospel and to love others with the love of Chrsit. Then, like Paul, we can rejoice in “finishing the race and keeping the faith.”
“It is not as important how we start (our past), but how we finish.” – Joyce Meyer
Article written by Jeff Bray