It has been the will of God to bless man and His entire creation since the beginning. But when man fell short and sinned, the curse reigned until Jesus came and restored everything.
The Christian ministry called BibleProject helps people “experience the Bible.” They present stories from Scripture and relay them through animation and voice-overs to explain what was written in the Word. One of their videos shares about the “Blessing and Curse.”

BibleProject. (Screenshot). (2022). Blessing and Curse, Retrieved September 6, 2023 from:
The Blessing
Most people associate blessing with tangible things people receive on earth, whether money, food, houses, or other material things. But in the Bible, blessing began when God created the world.

God blessed everything He created in the beginning.
“God’s blessing is about flourishing and multiplication of life,” BibleProject explained. “It’s when God shares His life-producing ability with others.”
Further, they added that “part of God’s blessing is to take care of God’s blessing for all creation.” God designed humanity to rule the earth on His behalf.
The Curse
But God’s good and perfect plan for humans spiraled down when Adam and Eve disobeyed. They chose to listen to the deceptive of the enemy who tricked them to turn away from God’s command. Since then, humanity has been cursed.
“In the Bible, the curse is when God hands people over to the consequences of seizing our own blessing on our own terms,” the video explained.
From generation to generation, humanity has suffered the consequences. But God had a plan to save humanity from perishing in sins. In His great love and mercy, our Heavenly Father sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. And Jesus came to restore God’s original plan of blessing and reverse the curse!
Hear the entire message in the video below.
Reference | BibleProject
Header Image: Yannick Pulver . (Photographer). (2020). Blessing and Curse, Retrieved September 6, 2023 from: