Recently, Jennie Allen shared a video of students gathered at a lake for baptisms. Hundreds of students were baptized!
Jennie Allen
Jennie is a Bible teacher, author, and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering. Additionally, she describes herself as someone who “loves God and believes in this generation of women.”
“I wake up every day on a mission: to disciple a generation. I want you to love God more every day, see Him for who He is through His Word, and give Him away as you meet and love the people around you. God qualifies you for this calling, no matter where you are,” she wrote on her official website.

Hundreds Of Students Were Baptized
Recently, Jennie shared a video testimony. On Auburn’s campus, hundreds of students were baptized. She shared that the students “want God. They want hope. They are fierce and zealous. And they are praying and believing God can do huge things through them. And so HE IS!!”
Jennie only expected dozens or so students to be baptized, but it turned to hundreds!
“I finished a message at Auburn and was off stage and a student texted the pastor beside me they wanted to be baptized tonight. So I went back on stage and asked if anyone else wanted to trust Christ and be baptized. Dozens raised their hands,” she said.
On Auburn’s Campus Baptized Were Hundreds Of Students
Jennie described what happened: “They circled the lake and 6-10 of us were in the water baptizing hundreds. And then people surrounded the lake til almost midnight hearing the stories of life change and shouting and cheering and praying together. God is moving and He isn’t stopping. Last night, hundreds of students on Auburn’s campus were baptized as thousands watched and cheered. It was unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. God is moving.”
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Reference | Jennie Allen
Header image: Hundreds of students were baptized [jennieallen]. Instagram, 13 September 2023,