I wanna encourage you today that God is speaking and He is speaking to you. And I say that boldly and confidently, because it is true. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you.” That’s Old Testament. We have Jesus. He’s made a way. He’s the way the truth in the life. And we have the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13, living inside of us as a deposit, guaranteeing our inheritance. And John 16:13 says that the Spirit of truth will lead us into all truth.
And so God is speaking and He’s speaking to you, but sometimes we just need to tune in to how He’s speaking. And so I wanna encourage you just for a few minutes today of the different ways that He speaks, because we can look for Him, like He’s speaking one way and we’re looking for a different way. You know, it would be like if I got an email, but I had picked up the phone and there was no one on the other line. He was speaking to me through an email. There’s a message in the email, but not on the phone. And that’s a really good analogy of how we’re expecting Him to communicate one way and He does it another way.

So a couple just simple ways that He speaks. He can speak audibly, like outside of you; you hear the audible voice of God. Or inner audibly. And I struggle with that, because the inner audible voice of God often sounds like our own voice, but you measure it against the word of God. Does this line up with the word of God? Is it Romans 8:1? I love that. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation.” So if I hear that inner audible voice and it says, “You suck,” I know it’s not God, because Romans 8:1 says, “There’s no condemnation” and that feels really condemning. It could be me or it could be the enemy. So He speaks audibly.
He can speak through pictures, like you can see something in creation. I had an encounter where I experienced Jesus through the sunrise. He can speak in your imagination. Ephesians 3:20, He’ll do “immeasurably more than you can ask or imagine.” You can see a picture in your mind’s eye; in your spirit. He can speak through feeling. You know some people feel. Like they’ll walk into a room and they’ll feel the atmosphere. “Oh this feels amazing” or “This feels really creepy.” That’s inner audibly feeling. But you can also experience something. You know, somebody gives you a hug and you encounter the love of God through that hug or you encounter the Healer. I’ve known people that somebody hugged them and their neck was healed. They didn’t pray, they just hugged them. So He can speak through feeling.
He can speak through taste and touch and sound. He can speak so many different ways. He can speak through dreams, He can speak through to the word of God. There’s so many different ways, and these are just a few, but He is speaking to you.
So I wanna encourage you today. Maybe you’re checking your emails, so to speak, you’re looking for Him to speak audibly, but He really speaks through knowing. Like, you just know things. You’re like, I didn’t know that, and you’ll say something to people. I used to think that I could read faces, but God was speaking to me through knowing. I would just know things. And I thought I could read faces. I looked at this girl one day at the campus ministry. I’m like, “Do you need a Bible?” She’s like, “How did you know I was just thinking that? ” And I was like, oh dear, there’s no, “I need a Bible face.” What is happening to me? And I just didn’t know that God could speak through intuitively knowing things.
And so I just release over you revelation from the Holy Spirit, that He would show you. He would give you insight and wisdom on how He’s speaking to you, so that you can get the messages clearly. And that you would know the word, so that when He speaks, you will know if it’s His voice. John says, “My sheep know my voice,” and so I pray right now that you would know His voice in deeper and deeper ways. Amen.
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