In October of 1995, Rory and Wendy Alec dreamt of a way to impact the world through this fairly new technology called the internet. What began in Europe as a 2 hour a day program turned into 24 hours a day streaming within four years. After a few years later, God Channel Live became GOD TV and began an amazing journey of drawing people to a loving Savior.
Today GOD TV is available across the world, giving viewers everywhere 24/7 Christian-based programming. God Channel Live aimed to bring different ministry teams together: people from all denominations and all walks of life. Taking the prophetic and evangelistic nature of ministry and melding it together into a far-reaching Live experience. They implement blogs, videos, music, and news stories to tackle the world through what God’s Word declares.
God Channel Live: Articles
From headline news reports to blogs on faithful living, the Gospel is spread.
As Christians, we all wonder what is really going on in the world. What do today’s headlines mean to us? We all should know by now that Christ is returning. While we do not know the hour or the day (Mark 13:32), we have the assurance that the day will come. GOD TV gives stories of what is happening in the region of Israel. They aim to educate people as to why events matter across the world stage and what they could mean regarding end time prophecy.
GOD TV loves to hear from writers. They endeavor to share life experiences from people like you. We believe “our blog is not about one person or ministry. It is about advancing the Kingdom of God globally. The more content contributors we partner with, the more we will be able to reach a global audience with the truth of Jesus.”
God Channel Live: Video
The new wave of sharing the Message of Christ through social media resources.
As evident by the growing use of sites like YouTube and Facebook, Video blogs (Vlogs) are growing in popularity. The GOD Channel has recognized the value of keeping up with what is trending. We understand many people enjoy hearing over reading, so we have reacted by providing excellent video content that delivers the message of Christ.
On Demand Video Streaming
In addition to blog articles and vlogs, GOD TV has several streaming channels that deliver the Gospel to all parts of the globe. From a 24/7 scheduled live lineup to archived programming, there is something to minister to hungry hearts everywhere. The Word of God is delivered through targeted messages for teens, adults, parents, new Christians, long time believers, those seeking answers, and those who hunger for more about God.
God Channel Live: Music
Creating an atmosphere of prayer and worship to honor the King of Kings.
The Prayer Room
GOD Channel Live also has an amazing worship experience. It is called the Prayer Room. It is a 24/7 Live program that lifts the name of Jesus through music. You cannot help but feel refreshed when you spend time in the praises of God Almighty.
Music News
There is way too much negativity in the world. Too much gossip and slander. The music industry can be a brutal place. Christian faith stories are not deemed newsworthy, so main stream media rarely tells them. At GOD TV stories of faith and endurance are center stage. People who are in the spotlight and not afraid to take their stand and use their voice for Christ.
God Channel Live: Lifestyle
Not only does the GOD Channel Live take music to heart, we spread the Word through success stories and testimonies from people across the world. Again, the type of stories that don’t make national headlines because they are Christ-centered. The stories are about nationally known names, as well as everyday people who have beaten the challenges that they faced through Christ’s strength living in them.
Putting the TV in The GOD Channel
A rebranding of GOD Channel Live occurred in 2002, in order to encompass the entirety of the ministries reach. Today GOD TV reaches 200 million homes, it has more than 1 million Facebook followers and experiences more than 10 million target views per month. People are hungry for the things of God. The dreams of a husband and wife in Europe have impacted lives everywhere; against all odds. With a new driver at the helm, Ward Simpson, the expansion of the Gospel can continue into a new generation: the GOD TV generation.