I started having severe migraines around the third week of May. I have suffered from migraines in the past but these felt so severe that I was constantly dizzy and nauseous. At certain points I couldn’t even walk and I began to feel anxious because I knew something was wrong. I ended up going to the urgent care and once I was there they told me I needed to see a neurologist right away. They sent me to the hospital and the neurologist ordered an MRI and an MRA. The neurologist told me they had found a bulge that was 3 mm by 3.5 mm in height that was on my left carotid artery.
I made the decision to tell my husband in a separate room from our kids so that he and I could pray into the situation before we revealed the news to our children. We prayed then Zach took the kids fishing and I called my friend and my prayer partner and I began to cry. I told her I had a brain aneurysm. She said “Girl, this is nothing for the Lord. He did it for me and I prophesy he will do it for you”. It lifted something inside of me and brought the faith for me to work this out between the Lord and I. She had been healed of a brain aneurysm and she released her testimony and faith came in! It was so powerful! It felt in that moment there was grace for me to have faith that I would be completely healed. I felt for many days a supernatural rest from the Lord and my husband continually prophesied life over me.
It took us 3 weeks until we finally told our kids. At this point, we began to think of worst case scenarios. We knew it was something we had to take seriously but we also knew that we had to partner in faith with Jesus that he would heal me.
My husband and I pray and mobilize prayer as intercessory missionaries so we picked up the phone and prayed continually with our intercessor circles! We decided we were going to take this very seriously in regards to my medical visits, but we also knew that prayer would open the door for the power of God to be released. We used wisdom in the medical side of things and while doing that we understood our prayers released the power of God over my life! We knew we needed to gather friends who had the faith for healing and just begin to pray. We didn’t need to beg God to do it, we just had to let him know we believed he would!
A few weeks later I went for a cerebral angiogram. The procedure was not fun to go through and it took two weeks to recover. After the procedure the neurosurgeon came in and said she had some good news, she said I did not have a brain aneurysm and that I did not have a fistula! She said I had no blockages in my blood flow! She said there was nothing there and that I looked great! Zach couldn’t come into the hospital at that time due to COVID-19, so I heard the news alone with God! It was quite an experience!

My husband was overjoyed when he found out the news. He said that as an intercessor and as a friend of God it was like he was staring right into a prophetic story that God was writing. He took it as a sign from God that He was doing something supernaturally as a sign and a wonder of healing that will come to the entire world.
If you or one of your loved ones is dealing with a brain aneurysm, we believe God wants to heal you today!