Here’s what to do when you experience disturbing thoughts.
Intrusive thoughts can trouble many Christians at times, causing doubts about ourselves, our future, and our current situation. These thoughts disrupt our peace of mind, often leading to discomfort, anxiety, depression, and fear.
The Bible guides how to handle such thoughts. Here are some ways we should respond to disturbing thoughts:1. Respond with Assertiveness (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
Do not allow yourself to be controlled by disturbing thoughts. Instead, focus on capturing those thoughts, bringing them into submission, and making them obedient to Jesus Christ.
2. Respond with prayer (Philippians 4:6)
The Lord has given us clear instructions on how to deal with anxious thoughts, and that is through prayer. Bring every intrusive thought you have to Him in prayer.
3. Respond with gratitude (Philippians 4:8-9)
In every situation we find ourselves, God is with us, displaying His goodness. Let us always be grateful for His goodness and fill our minds with His thoughts.
4. Respond with action
“One way to control your mind is to express your love to God by physically doing something so that, hopefully, your mind will be forced to think about that thing instead. If intrusive thoughts are a regular thing, try to fill your life with more of God.”
Give God praise, worship Him, and demonstrate your love through all your actions. Fill your mind with Godly things to prevent intrusive thoughts from entering.
If you ever feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts, remember these steps. Above all, remember that we need more of Jesus and less of ourselves. When filled with the Spirit of the Lord, nothing can overpower us, not even our thoughts.
Reference: YouTube | Impact Video Ministries
Header Image: Impact Video Ministries [@ImpactVideoMinistries]. Disturbing Thoughts. YouTube, October 7, 2023,