Today’s Verse:
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20
Today’s Message:
Today, God wants to assure you that what the enemy meant for evil, He will turn it for your good.
God is more powerful than the enemy. He can overpower its schemes and evil plans and turn them for blessings instead.

Like in Numbers 24, Balak summoned the prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites, Balak’s enemies. But whenever Balaam would try to set a curse on the Israelites, God’s people, he would bless them instead. Balaam attempted to do this three times, but over and over, God’s purpose will prevail.
God would put words in Balaam’s mouth so that Balak’s plans will not succeed.
Today, let us trust God that He will not allow any harm to come to us, especially if we are abiding under His care. Shalom.
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