Today’s Verse
John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
Today’s Message
Today, God wants you to stop living life in guilt and fear. He calls you loved, chosen, and His child. You are forgiven and free.
Guilt is the ultimate thief of joy. It leads you to live a life filled with insecurities, pain, and fear. It hinders you from experiencing the real freedom God wants you to have. It keeps you from seeing God’s promises and greater plans for your life. And this is how Satan wants you to live. The enemy does want you to experience joy and wants to drag you down with him. But God doesn’t want that to happen. So today, choose to believe that Jesus has set you free. You have all the right to live in freedom the way God wants you to be because you are already forgiven and free.

God calls you loved, even when you think you’re unlovable. He calls you chosen, even when you think you are always overlooked. He calls you His own child, even when think you don’t deserve it. Always remember that His love for you will never change.
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