Franklin Graham continues to lead the Billy Graham Association for his father, after his passing in February of 2018. Franklin Graham says in a recent post for father’s day, “Today marks the second Father’s Day without my father, Billy Graham. He once said, ‘Children do need the guidance of their parents, and we guide them more by the example we set than by any other way.’ My father did just that. He was the same in our home as he was in front of the millions he preached to, always guiding us by his example. So thankful for all of the great memories. Happy Father’s Day!”
Franklin has been the CEO of the ministry since 2000 and president since 2001. All the Graham brothers are doing the great works of Jesus to this day, continuing the great legacy of Billy Graham, and living out their personal callings.
The Life of Franklin Graham
Christian leader, Franklin Graham is the fourth of five children born to Billy Graham and Ruth Bell Graham. His life is devoted to the Lord and to people in need. He shares resources to those in need, but more importantly, he shares the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. Along with his siblings, Graham was raised in a log home in the Appalachian Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. The Graham family is a great Christian family who loves God. Franklin Graham was born right when Billy Graham’s ministry was taking off. He had a period where he was not close with the Lord and fell into a bit of rebellion around the age of 22. But then one day in a hotel room in Jerusalem, he gave his life to Jesus.
Thankfully, today Franklin Graham has a strong relationship with the Lord and leads many organizations including the Billy Graham Association and Samaritan’s Purse. Samaritan’s Purse meets the needs of the poor and sick globally, in over 100 countries. Graham is still happily married to his wife, Jane Graham.
Billy Graham’s Legacy Continues
Franklin Graham continues sharing the legacy of his father, Billy Graham. Billy Graham is remembered as one of the greatest spiritual leaders and revivalists of the late 1940s. He was known for hosting thousands of people to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Billy influenced and had close relationships with some of the greatest leaders of the time. Those leaders include Martin Luther King Jr. and Harry S. Truman. Not only did Billy Graham preach the Gospel, but He spoke out about racial injustice and preached the gospel to millions. His staff says more than 3.2 million people received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior under his ministry.
What a legacy to have here on Earth and in Heaven! All for the glory of God! Lives will never be the same because of his love for Jesus and his people. Franklin Graham to this day speaks of his father and carries his great legacy with him as he continues to pursue all the things the Lord has called him to go along with his siblings.
Deepen Your Relationship with the Lord
The Billy Graham Association offers many valuable Bible-teaching resources. These resources help you further your walk with the Lord. You can see all of them under the “Grow Your Faith” tab here! There are things like daily devotionals, tools on how to share the Gospel, a bookstore, and more.
You can watch all the Billy Graham classics online as well with access to special sermons. Additionally, find Billy Graham’s messages and more by listening to the SiriusXM Satellite Radio Channel 460. It is so important to the Billy Graham Association to spread the message of Jesus Christ through the radio airwaves.
Billy Graham and his entire association, led by Franklin Graham, will forever impact the world with the truth of Jesus. God gave this platform to the Grahams to set people free and share the invitation of salvation! Because of our devotion to prayer, more and more lives are touched and transformed by the Billy Graham Association. Also, pray that Franklin and his family would have the supernatural strength to continue in the great work of Jesus.
Featured image from Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
This article was written by Monique Santiago.