A medical doctor posted on Instagram urging the public to not fear and pray for the eradication of the COVID19.
Dr. Sam Kojoglanian
Dr. Sam Kojoglanian is a cardiologist. He is also an evangelist. He advocates healing both the physical and spiritual problems in people’s lives. Dr. Sam is well known for his blogs and videos that spread healing and hope to everyone.
Three P’s to COVID19
Recently, a video of him addressing the coronavirus pandemic went viral after he posted it on his Instagram account. The video that encouraged everyone to not be afraid was viewed over 470,000 times on Instagram and over 1.8 million times in a Facebook upload. In the video, he pointed out three P’s to the coronavirus and concluded his message with a prayer.
“Here are the three P’s to the coronavirus, the first P is perspective,” Dr. Sam said in the video. “There have been 40,000 deaths from influenza in the U.S. in 2017. That number was 60,000 in the U.S. in 2018. Versus the coronavirus, there have been 90,000 cases globally, 40,000 have recovered, 3,000 have died. I wanted to tell you to decrease your fears.”
After urging everyone to not be afraid, he then gave a piece of advice on how to not get contaminated with the virus.
“The second is practicality,” he added. “What can we do? The general public wants to wear a mask but it won’t help the general public. What we need is a hand sanitizer. Every time you touch somebody’s hand, every time you touch a doorknob or money, put the hand sanitizer on and avoid touching your eyes, your mouth, and your face with your hands.”
Pray for the end of COVID19
Lastly, he urged everyone to pray and ask God to wipe out COVID19.
“The third most important is prayer. Father God, we ask that you would eradicate and take out this coronavirus. We ask you’d give wisdom to the scientists and doctors to come up with a cure and vaccine. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen and amen.”
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As a devout Christian, Dr. Sam believes so much in the power of prayer. This world needs fearless people that will bring hope to those who are afraid. Amidst the fear, we as Christians are called to not tremble but to be bold and courageous to spread the love of Jesus!
Read also: 100-Year-Old Man Recovers From COVID-19; Oldest Patient To Beat Coronavirus
Reference: Instagram | drkojoglanian