The Truth vs Denial
One can accept the truth or if one doesn’t like the truth, deny it.
This week news broke that the beloved Little House on the Prairie writer Laura Ingalls Wilder was now considered a racist. The books she wrote give a harsh, historical yet endearing insight into the lives of the pioneers. However, the stories and tales of all the indelible characters contained in the books are seared in our minds and in our hearts. They are written with a childlike quality because she wrote them through the ‘eyes of a child’. Over 60 million copies have been sold to date. The rights to the books were sold to Roger MacBride who inherited Rose Wilder Lane’s (Wilder’s daughter) estate subsequently he co-created and co-produced the famous TV series “Little House on the Prairie.”
I recall watching the series on TV. I thought how fortunate we are to have running water – hot and cold, washing machines, cookers etc etc. Things that this generation take for granted were unheard of in Laura’s early years. Washing in the creek was bath time! I like millions of others never thought there was a racist slur involved.
So, this week the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), surprisingly seemed to bend to current liberal trends and change their primary award named in Laura’s honor. Instead of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal (award since 1955), it will now be known as the Children’s Literature Legacy Award.
Change – Good or Bad?
It’s frightening to think that a book conceived in childhood and published in the early 1930’s is now considered not as a legacy of American literature and history but it’s author is defined as one that “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values.”
This is interesting as according to the ALSC’s official website, it has been around for almost 80 years! However, the ALA (American Library Association) was formed on October 6, 1876. The last recipient of the Laura Ingalls Medal is Jacqueline Woodson – awarded 2018. So why, suddenly did this not conform? What was the catalyst? Does Ms Woodson have to return her award?
So, why the change?
History teaches us that man is flawed – period.
Present time shows us that man is still developing and evolving.
The Bible is very clear about denial’. It teaches us that it is not a healthy thing to do. Ask the apostle Peter. With denial also comes lying and trying to cover-up the truth.
Above the Statue of Christopher Columbus is daubed with paint in Central Park
However, America is changing and fast! Laura Ingalls Wilder is just the latest targeted person to undergo a liberal idea of what she should have written, acted or done. In fact, it would appear the first amendment is only allocated to certain persons who didn’t really shine in historical terms. As history books are being re-written, names erased, official holidays being renamed and statues torn down and replaced, a ‘brave’ new world begins to emerge – one with a virtually unrecognizable past. This new world is comprised of jilted historical facts and continues to massage and manipulate more ‘acceptable,’ toned-down heroes.
A Warning
King David is revered as one of the most historically bold and God-fearing kings in history. However, he committed adultery, killed thousands in war but are you going to suddenly take down his statue because you didn’t agree with something he said or did? Are you going to deny history it’s place?
So, I ask you how can we learn from the past, if we are selective of the facts, opinions and views of the time?
Answer – we can’t.
I liken it to playing a DVD in 50 years’ time of today’s events, but with no sound, we are just going to be watching the pictures.
The Bible is filled with historical data, opinions, guidelines and facts. The Bible has something to say about manipulating and denying the truth as well – it has consequences,
“If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:19)
We would do well to heed this warning.
This article was written by Karin McBride-Chenoweth, an award-winning writer, editor and publisher of Christian and secular works in Europe and the USA. Originally from Northern Ireland, Karin now lives in the USA.